Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

Important to read at first:

After 44 years - on 18th.09.2014 - I decided to stop my researches on: "How were all continents discovered 1885-2014 by motorcycle-travellers?" The reason is that I have been sitting with all my passion behind the computers and reading books and articles for years day and night to come to the knowledge of these sites.
I am still full of other ideas including some travels. Also I want to move a bit more for my health instead of sitting too long behind the computer.

You can use all information for yourself. If you use infos and fotos for any other reason like publications please know, that there is still Copyright on all of it by myself and others.

I am German. I did my best to write most in English. If I missed some ,,,,,,,,, please take some of these and put them on the right place (Churchill)!

Bye Bernd Tesch. Village Hammer in forest EIFEL / Germany / United Europe / Multiversum..

Last update: 05.07.2022 + 18.07.2020
You are on this site: 2001-2015.html

Australia. Australien by motorcycle

This chapters below you can NOT see here at the moment: 10Bi-1980.html
10 bi-1900 Australia
1901-1950 Australia
1951-1970 Australia
1971-1980 Australia

This chapters below you can see here: 1981-2000.html
1981-1990 Australia
1991-1994 Australia
1995-2000 Australia

This chapters below you can see here: 2001-2015.html
2001-2004 Australia
2005-2010 Australia
2011-2015 Australia

This chapters below you can see here: 2016-2030.html
2016-2020 Australia
2021-2030 Australia in 2014
Ohne Rand mit Hilfe von Stephan Hahnel

Australia and New Zeland - Motorcycle - Travels / Adventures

= Australien- und Neuseeland Motorrad-Reisen (German)

Welcome on this site!
Bem Vindo ! Benvenuti ! Bien Venido ! Bienavenue ! Bom Bini ! Dobrodosli ! Huan yin (CN) ! Namaste ! Tanastalink ! Välkommen (S) ! Velkommen (N) ! Welkom !  Willkommen (G) ! Bienvenue (F) !
Do you know this in other languages?

DID you see the "Yowie" yesterday?
Everybody is looking since years for the monster "Yowie" in Australia....

How to see and print out (free of charge) or to buy maps for your mc-tour ?
See a good view for all continents or countries at:

< Bernd Tesch in Australia 2004-2005

Copyright Bernd Tesch. Motorcycle-WORLD-Travel-Expert.  It is free for you to read this and learn out of it. It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. This all is a part of the books in work "Süd
GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH. Grünentalstr. 31, 52152 Simmerath-Hammer, Germany. Tel 0049(0)2473-938686. website:

contact: copy please

Tasmania. A very good view from satelits. This is made with digitaltechnique out of many different fotos.
You can buy this as cards, artificial prints or poster from the producer: Claudius Diemer, owner of

Australia, Tasmania and New Zeland - Motorcycle - Travels / Adventures

= Australien- und Neuseeland Motorrad-Reisen (German)

Summaries of motorcycle-travellers riding
1. Overland from Europe to Australia and New Zealand
2. Overland from Australia or New Zealand
3. In and around Australia and New Zealand

For the part overland from Europe to India / Nepal / Singapore see Asia as well

First list in Internet about "Australia-Motorcycle-Travels". A part of this you find already published since 02.1998. (> >NEWS).  Start of this list in Internet: 28.05.2000 (> >Englisch or German version>countries or Staaten>Australia). I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be corrected and updated with more travellers in future.

Bernd Tesch has been travelling in Australia / Tasmania 14.000 kms until 2000 himself. But much more important is that he knows a lot of Australia-Motorcycle-Travellers himself. He is working in this field since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / informations. Later Fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA, in 1999/ 2000 in Australia and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). Many of  famous Australia Motorcycle Travellers have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april yearly. I own the largest archive of  oveland to Australia-Travellers and Around Australia Travellers. Especially I am as well best  informed the history: "Discovering Australia by Motorcycle in 100 years 1900 -2000". In 2000 Bernd Tesch is preparing an article about this. In 02.1998 I started in internet to publish informations about Motorcycle-World-Travellers

To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a two new book called "Australien-Motorrad-Reisen = Australia Motorcycle Travels" and "Australien Motorrad Abenteuer" = Australia Motorcycle Adventures. Nearly all books about "Australia by Motorcycle" which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90). I own all this books in all languages.

I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me worldwide by sending letters, later faxes and emails since 1994 about World-Around-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this level. This internet-list had to be done very quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the informations and a lot in my language. At least you will never have seen such a huge collection of informations.

If there is shown "Book:" under the traveller and you want to read / order this you can check if it is still available: >> >> German or English version >> Bestelliste or order. If you find this book there you can order it. I offer about 183 international available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books for sale.

If you are a Australia-Motorcycle-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: best pictures.

PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this EXAMPLE in this STILE in English:
01.10.2010 - 27.10.2011
Sven Müller (German, born ??.??.19??)   your http://www.???
+ Australia. Solo Australia with BMW R 100 GS. 50.000 kms. Rode together with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL.
Purpose of the tour: ??
Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne).
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:...
Book or publication (about your tour):...

Overland to, in and around Australia by Motorcycle

How to inform about your own motorcycle tour overland Europe > Australia or in Australia easyly ?
Who has been traveling overland to Australia or in Australia already ?

1. You can read this website carefully free of charge. It is a Bernd Tesch-Service.
It is the worldwide largest view about "Australian-Motorcycle-Travellers".

2. You can come to the "worldwide oldest and largest Motorcyle Meeting for WORLD-Travellers". There you find about 300 Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers including those guys and girls who have been there or plan to travel there.

3. You can buy books about motorcycle- travelling in Australia

4. If you plan to travel to Australia or in Australia visit Bernd Tesch for Beratung or Recommendation.
The advantage for you would be that you can get all information from one person with >30 years of experience in Motorcycle-WORLD-Travelling. And you can speak about the equipment you need and buy this from Bernd Tesch.

5. In any case please send me your plan or experienec-overview about your Autralia-Plan like example "Müller" below". THis overview possibly could even help you to get information about your tour and contacts.

How to organise a flight to Australia easy and cheaply??
Wenn man sich per websites erkundigt, enthält man unterschiedliche Auskünfte, aber die Größenordnung dürfte stimmen. Es gibt ca. 400 Airlines und davon fliegen ca. 30 nach Australien. Der Preis richtet sich nach der Saison. Im eurpäischen Sommer ist in Australien Winter (und zum Teil Regenzeiten) und deshalb sind die Flüge preiswerter. Die australische Airlines Qantas bietet in dieser Zeit Angebote mit Flügen hin ud zurück für € 999,00. Im europäischen Winter ist die australische Saison und dieselben Flüge werden viel teurer. Die presiwertesten Economy-Flüge liegen dann um € 1200-1300 per Person für Hin- und Rückflug.
Wie findet man den eigenen passenden und besonders preiswertesten Flug zunächst einmal herraus ??? Es gibt jede Menge websites über welche man sich eine Übersicht verschaffen kann. EINE davon ist ? Natürlich kann man bei diesen websites auch buchen.
Die Flügzeit von Deutschland nach Australien / Melbourne beträgt ca. 22-24 Stunden. Es gut dort bereits ein Zimmer zum Ausschlafen zu haben !

Eine andere Information ist die eigene Erfahrung mit Airlines. Patricia und Bernd Tesch sind 1999 - 2000 mit
EMIRATES Airlines geflogen.
Wir wußten damals nicht viel von dieser Airline und haben sie zunächst ausgewählt wegen der guten Preise. Wir waren dann erstaunt zu erfahren, wieviele Auszeichnungen diese Fluglinie laut offiziellen Umfragen hat und dass sie danach zu den allerbesten Fluglinien der Welt gehörte und noch gehört. Wir können diese Linie nur bestens weiter empfehlen. Zusätzlich mußte man ein Visum für die Vereinigten Emirate haben und in der sehr interessanten "hochmodernen Wüstenstadt Dubai" mindestens eine Nacht übernachten. Von Dubai ging es dann über Singapur mit kurzem Zwischenstop nach Melbourne. Trotz dieser Zusatzkosten war die Airline preiswert und super gut im Service.

How to organise a flight to and a bike in Australia easy and cheaply together??

Kurt Weidner   BIKE TOURS AUSTRALIA Kurt Weidner is not the owner anymore.
Australia +  USA +  Canada    Organised Tours + Buyback (Mietkauf) + Rental (Verleih)
The German Kurt offered as the first firm since 1982 organised Motorcycle-Tours in Australia. In the meantime you can book organised Motorcyle- Tours in Australia, USA and Canada, rent / buy / buyback motorcycles / cars. His firm name worldwide is BIKE TOURS AUSTRALIA. In Germany the same firm is known as TRAVEL ACTION as well. You can get more information about mc-tours by his homepage  You can order prospects of his tours by email in Germany: In Australia:  or  Address: TRAVEL ACTION Kurt Weidner. Einsiedeleiweg 16. D-57399 Kirchhunden. Tel. 02764-7824. Fax: 02764-7938. The Dutch woman Evelyn speaks German, English and Dutch.

Kurt owned up to 50 Motorcycles YAMAHA XT 600 E in Australia. Each months they start an organised mc-tour for three weeks. One enduro-tour is five weeks. The areas in Australia are different concerning to the climate. In total they ride eight different routes. As well the difficulties are from just hard-road-tours to expeditions. This camping-tours are accompanied by a leader in a service-car, who takes your luggage and buys the food.  Normally this is always smiling and very experienced Hardy. If you have friends who would not like to ride a mc (sometimes women like this) but accompany you there are always two seats available in the leader-car. Minimum for each tour are three motorcycles, maximum are about 10 normally. "On the road" you can go yourself with your own speed or in a small group and the car will come behind you and meet you in the evening. So in reality you have a lot of freedom as if you would travel alone. They could organise the flight with Quantas or Singapure-Airlines for you as well. Flight costs depend on the season and are about DM 2000 to DM 2300 both ways. Because of the season in Australia most customers book tours between october and march.

As well interested for you is that Kurt offers bikes and cars for your individual tour as well. For short tours he asks for one XT 600 E  $ Au 65/day or only $ Au 1950 as long as six months (1 $ Au is about DM 1,06). This is extremly sheap, because one flight with your own motorcycle will cost you more than to rent his motorcycle up to six month.  You can get more informations about how to rent a bike for yourself:  homepage:

The reason that inform you about Kurts firm so detailed is that we help each other: Kurt offered in 18.08.98 Bernd Tesch and Patricia Govers two YAMAHA XT 600 E for our  Round-Australia / Tasmania tour 25.10.1999 - 26.01.2000. We had no problems with both YAMAHA XT 600 E. I think that these are very good bikes for Autralia. You can ride with comfort on the long sealed road and are able to ride off-road everywhere. If you would have any problems with the bikes you can call his firm by Tel and handy. Seeing personally his firm we liked very much his and Hardys personal handling of his customers. So you are very well "personally protected" during your trip.

If you want to travel by mc / car in Australia with an organised tour or as an individualist I can recommed his firm very well. Especially if you just have 2-6 weeks holiday do NOT bring your own bike to Australia. You will save a lot of trouble here and in Australia organising all this AND will save a lot of money. Just relax: Fly to Australia (Melbourne), get your bike there, have fun riding in Australia, return the bike and fly back. All together very easy and cheap.

How to ship a travel by bike from Australia to NZ or GB or the other way?
If you can arrange to ship your bike in special times of David this probaly will help you to save a lot of money!
David Milligan. Boss of firm Superbike & Grand Prix World Tours. Event Specialists Exclusively for Motorcyclists the Aussie & NZ Isle of Man TT Festival specialists & Bike Shippers to NZ & UK/Europe. P.O.Box 167, Moonee Ponds, VIC 3039, Australia. Ph/fax + (61 3) 9331 0947 Mobile Ph. 0412 689 849. Email:
David started in 1996 to take Australian motorcyclists to World Superbike and MotoGP race meetings in Europe. But now it has been evolved into a business which ships (by shipping container) Australian registered motorcycles for their owners to go touring in New Zealand and the UK/Europe. We put 20 bikes in one container and unload them at our destination (Christchurch in New Zealand and Ipswich in England) so our clients can go touring for 1 month in New Zealand during the southern summer and 3 months in UK/Europe during the northern summer. We also take 1 tour each year with clients (on their bikes shipped to England) which includes England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man (for the TT Festival). This tour is for 43 days and all accommodation (B&B) is included.


??.??.06.2003 - ??.??.2003
Thorvaldur Stefansson (Icelander, born 20.08.1955)
Crossed the Australian Continent from Darwin to Adelaide and back again in 10 days with my wife Sigridur on a BMW R1150GS.
Thorvaldur rode a BMW R1150GS from Darwin to Broome and back through the Kimberleys on the Gibb River Road. Went too fast through water and got water into the engine. Had to be rescued from Kununurra 360km away. Engine damage not fully known at this time - most likely a bent connecting rod.
Accident-story: The storyThe BMW trained mechanic in Darwin diagnosed the problem as a bent crankshaft and I should buy a new engine because the engine would not turn. I contacted BMW in Munich and they said that they trusted the mechanic. I could not accept this diagnosis and I sent the bike 3.500km by truck to Adelaide in South Australia. where they diagnosed the problem. I had made the mistake of trying to start the engine with water in the cylinders (Yes I know that fluids cannot be compressed, but I thought that the water had gotten into the electric system of the bike..). When I tried to start the engine, the starter broke a tooth on the starter ring, this broken piece then jammed the engine and it would not turn. The problem now was that the Darwin mechanic had thrown the pistons rings and the pistons into a box and they were now ruined. So there was nothing wrong with the engine, but because of the incompetence of the Darwin Mechanic - BMW trained! , I had to pay for the road transport of 7.000 km and a full rebuild of the engine. Now the truth must be told. The Telelever of the BMW motorcycles channels water into the air intake if you go too deep. It is easy to say that it was the my mistake, but I consider this to be a major design fault of the motorcycle. I am very disappointed with BMW.
The result of this experience is that when I got home to Iceland, I purchased a Mercedes 320S instead of a BMW.
Iceland-Info. Motorcycle tours in the Western Fjords of Iceland: I have left the UN service after 11 years in hell broken in mind and body, and purchased a large farm property in the wild Western Fjords of Iceland. I hope to build my health back by developing a forest on my farm along with a nesting colony of wild Eider Ducks. I can also offer winter hunting of the Arctic Fox in my valley.
This is an area of exquisite beauty and quite remote. The area is not seen by many tourists and I wonder if you would like to organize tours of the area for motorcyclists. I run a small hostel at my farmhouse - online booking at and I can accept up to 4 persons in luxurious beds, and 3 more in sleeping bag accommodation. My farm is 1500 hektares, there are no neighbors and there is a mix of dirt roads and bitumen in the area.
I have an outbuilding of 200 square meters.
Please look at my other website at where I have some photos of the area. I wrote to Edelweiss tours about my idea of but got no reply. This was disappointing because I think there is great potential here.
26.06.2002 1st contact
27.06.2002 1st request for more update
30.08.2005 2nd request


Plan 01.2001 for 6 weeks
Carsten Ehlers (German)
Australia. Carsten (Honda Africa Twin RD 07) and his girl friend Tania Spieß (BMW F 650 GS) plan to ride in Australia for 6 weeks with there own motorcycle so far. Carsten has been already in Australia in 05.12.1993 - 15.02.1994 by car. He liked the landscape and people. Therefore he wants to go back.
Planned Route: Western Australia.
23.06.2000 Carsten visted me for a cup of tea first time.

11.04.2001 - 19.05.2001
Sonn iHerold (German, 28.06.1972) + Peter Lob (Austrian, ) and Joerg Hoppe (German, 09.10.1965)
Plob on a KLX 650 and Sonni and Joerg on a Dominator NX 650 rode their way through the Australian Outback. 8.000 km.
Route: Toowoomba-Quilpie (by train (bikes by truck)), Quilpie - Windorah - Birdsville - Mungerannia - Maree - Wiliam Creek - Cober Pedy - Uluru - Alice Springs - Plenty Highway - Mt. Isa (by bikes) - Brisbane (plane).
Purpose: Meet friends in Australie, see Birdsville, check out the Simpson Desert area for a later propper cross, biking in arid country...
The best: Being there!, Sonni and Plob, Plenty Highway, Simpson Desert...
The worst: Kawasaki KLX 650 and all the repairs it needed.
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Don't go in summer - far too hot - dangerous! Get in contact with the locals - even if they my apear a little stiff on the first - they are very nice and friendly people and they are for sure helpful and make you see more! Don't worry too much about temperatures in winter - it get's coolish during night time, but not very cold - e.g. like in the Sahara. Joerg: Don't ride Kawasaki.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: (Sahara, Ukraine, most of Europe). Allways have some DIRKO on you ! Saved my as a lotta times.
22.01.2002 1st contact

19.09. - 18.11.2001
Dagmar Fischer and Udo (Germans)
4th ride in Oz: Australia East Coast. The fans of Australia Dagmar and Udo (see above) tried another part. Udo rode on a BMW R100 GS Paris-Dakar (1991), that we bought 5 years ago in Sydney (used) and that we parked after our tour in 1996 in the workshop of Dagmar´s uncle in Shepparton. Dagmar bought again a Yamaha XT 600 E (1995) from Kurt Weidner. But this time we kept it, too, and the bikes are waiting for us in Townsville. That was about 7.000 km, the BMW did because of some extra trips 1.000 km more than the XT.
Route: Melbourne - Shepparton - Melbourne - Shepparton - Swan Hill - Mungo NP - Mildura - Hattah - Kulkyne NP - West Wyalla - Lithgow (Blue Mountains)- Dunedoo - Warrumbungle NP - Gibraltar Range/Washpool NP - Yugaidir NP (Minnie Water) - Byron Bay - Nimbin with Mt. Warning und Nightcap NP - Chinchilla - Carnavon NP - (Carnavon Gorge) - Blackdown Tablelands - Eungella NP - Airlie Beach and Conway - NP - Townsville - Palmerston NP - Ettie Bay with trip to Atherton Tableland - Townsville - Cairns.
Purpose: Getting off our feeling of "homesickness", meeting old friends and relatives again...
The best: We travelled so slowly, that we could spend really much time in the Nationalparks, walking, watching, enjoying - although the time was still too short! Great feeling in Nimbin during a market day with wonderful music. Except the part at the coast we did not meet very many European travellers! Because we were near by the coast and most of the time in "civilised" area, we could by a lot of cheap food of very good quality, often straight from the farmers or in butcherys, or we bought it from small shops beside the road. We saw some platypusses, one "really" wild in a small river during the day.
The worst: The huge number of dead animals along the road. The 11.9.01, one week before we started, and all the news about it and bombing Afghanistan while we were travelling. Leaving family and friends after this bad day.

11.2001 + 6 months
Sean Kelly (English, 1964) and Adrian Scott (English,1964)
Plan Europe-Asia-Australia.
: Start in UK, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, ship bikes to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, ship bikes to Darwin, Sydney and fly home. We will freight the bikes back to the UK. The bikes are two 94 paralever BMW R80GS, with HPN tanks, touratech aluminium panniers, white power shocks, modified front forks, PD single seat and rack, leaky pushrod seals, PD bash plates.. rack, leaky pushrod seals, PD bash plates, driveshafts that make you paranoid and so on.

??.??.2001 - ??
Shaughan Tonya (Australian ?)
Will circle Australia on a XV 1100 going clockwise from Brisbaine and  being back 15.000 kms later.
13.01.2001 1st contact

04.04.2001 - 05.08.2001
Natascha Wacker (German. born ??) and Christopher Hirt (German, born 24.03.1970)
+ Australia. The Around-The-World Motorcycle Traveller Chris rode at once after he became a Motorcycle-Mechanic "Meister" (Engineer) with a YAMAHA Tenere XT 600 about 24.000 km in Australia. His sweet girlfriend Natascha accompanaied him for 6 weeks 17.05.-28.06.01.
Purpose: ??
Route: By airlines ??? form ?? to Perth. By motorcycle Perth - Albany - Perth - along the coast north - Pilbara Mountains - Broome - Derby - Gib River Road - Kimberley (BEST !) - Byndhan - Darwin - Kimberleys - Halls Creek - Tanami road - Alice Springs - Kings Canyon - Ayers Rock - Alice Springs - Sand Over Highway - Camooweal - Lawn Hill nat. Park - Cairns - East Coast down until Sydney - Blue Mountians - Canberra (- 5°C) - Can River - Melbourne - Great Ocean Road - Adelaide - Port Augusta - Coober Peedy - Odnaddata Track - Flinders Range - Berrier Highway - Nevertire - Brisbaine. I fFlew home by Quantas and shipped the bike home.
The best: ??
The worst: ???
Earlier experiences of mc-tours: ??
12.08.2001 Cristopher Hirt informed me at first about Mr. Bendle who rode around Australia in 1929 with a friend on two Harley Davidson sidecars. He met the son Robin H. Bendle who will help me to get informations and pictures of this tour.
13.11.2005 2nd request for update.

18.08.2001 - 20.01.2002 Australia and 20.01.2002 - ca. 09.03.2002 New Zealand
Michael Meier (German)
"Mike-MIke" wants to ride solo Australia and New Zealand with XRV 750 Afirica Twin.
Route: Melbourne - Alice Springs - Broome - Perth - Melbourne - Tasmania - Wellington - Aukland - Wellington - Christchurch.


Jenny ?? (British ? in 2002 ca. 40 ) and Chris ?? (Brtish, ? in 2002 ca 49)
GB > New Zealand in 1 year with two BMW F 650.
01st.04.2011 information from Sam Manicom
01st.04.2011 request to Jenny for a suumary and best 3 fotos from their tour

2002 - ?
Geoff Duff (American)
- Plan Around Australia. With KTM adventure 640.
05.12.01 Asked for his overview.

05.01.2002 - 20.06.2002
Join Ken and Phil rode from Australia to Turkey
+ Australia - Asia - Africa - Great Britain
Purpose of travel: ??
: Prior to the Trip Brisbane, Australia
5th - 8th January 2002 Brisbane - Singapore - 10th-11th January 2002 Melaka, Malaysia - 12th-15th January 2002 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 16th-17th January 2002 Penang , Malaysia - 18th-23rd January 2002 Thailand > 25th-30th January 2002 Indonesia > 1st-2nd February 2002 Cambodia > 3rd-7th February 2002 Thailand > 8th-17th February 2002 Bangladesh > 18th-25th February 2002 Calcutta, India > 26th February -11th March 2002 Bangladesh > 12th - 16th March 2002 India > 17th March - 5th April 2002 Nepal >
?? how did you reach Turkey coming from India ??i
6th -25th April 2002 Turkey >26th April - 5th May 2002 Greece > 6th - 13th May 2002 Italy > 14th - 19th May 2002 Tunisia > 20th - 28th May 2002 Algeria > 29th May - 11th June 2002 Spain > 12th - 18th June 2002 France > 19th June 2002 - Present England > 28th June 2002 until the next adventure Brisbane, Australia
The best: ??
The Worst: ??
Uselful tips for others: ??
Earlier big mc-tours ?
26.05.2002 1st information by Stefan Thiel
21.09.2003 1st request for update to contact
10.11.2004 2nd request for update

14.09.-27.10.2002, 01.03.-13.04.2003, 14.02.-39.03.2004
Renate Greulach (German, born 26.02.1951) and Gino Grimbacher (German/USA, born 08.05.1956)
+ Australia. We had spent more than a year in Germany working and where hungry to see more of the world. In 2002 we picked Australia – another continent on our list to visit. From friends at the famous “Bernd-Tesch-Meeting” we got the information, that to import a bike to Australia is very difficult. There are lots of things to do beforehand. The major problem is that your bike will be inspected by a quarantine officer on arrival. If your bike is not clean. It does not have to be clean - it has to be spotless clean. They will refuse the entry of your bike or put your bike in quarantine and/or will charge you a lot of money. You also need a carnet (the easy way) or a temporary import certificate for your bike (if wanted, ask us for more info). Your bike has to be crated (don't use a wooden case – there are better and cheaper possibilities (if wanted, ask us for details)).
Once you are in the country, travelling is very easy, exciting and safe. For someone who does not like the desert (outback), high temperatures and being alone, should not travel along the west coast or through the centre. That does not mean that you should skip Australia – not at all – you are just better off staying along the east coast. The east coast is green, lovely beaches, plenty places to party and beautiful cities like Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and lots to see in the surroundings of those cities. We loved Australia , stored the bike in Melbourne at a friends house and came back the following year 2003. Again we stored the bike in Melbourne and had it shipped to New Zealand in 2004. After touring through New Zealand in 2004 and being back in Germany we recognized, that we made a mistake. We should have stored the bike in New Zealand and should have gone once again the following year. The people are so open and friendly and we just loved the country side of those two islands. While waiting for our bike (it was shipped back to Germany ) we decided to go to S.Africa the following year 2005. We will keep Australia and New Zealand always in our mind and we are sure, that we will go back for another trip or two.
Route 2002: Perth – Fremantle – Pinnacle Desert – Monkey Mia – Bungle-Bungle NP – Darwin – Kakadu NP – Devils Marbles – Alice Springs –Ayers Rock – Olgas – Coober Pedy - Adelaide – Melbourne (6 weeks and 11 100km).
Route 2003: Melbourne – Wagga Wagga – Bourke – Tablelands – Cape Tribulation –Cairns – Arlie Beach – Rainbow Beach – Brisbane – Sydney – Dandenongs – Great Ocean Road – Melbourne (6 weeks and 9 000km).
Route 2004: Auckland – Cape Reinga – Auckland – Rotorua – Waipukurau – Wellington – Picton – Westport – Wanaka – Queenstown – Milford Sound – Bluff – Dunedin – Christchurch – Kaikoura – Picton – Wellington – New Plymouth – Hamilton – Auckland . (6 weeks and 6 700km).
Purpose of travel: After having gone twice around the world on freighters (ships) we wanted to do it overland as well.
The best: To know other nations, other people, different cultures and living and dealing with " Mother Nature ".
The worst: NONE, because whenever it looked like a problem is coming up, there was always someone who gave us help and/or hospitality, so that the problem turned into a good and great experience.
Useful Information: Going to the yearly "Bernd-Tesch-Meeting" in Germany and take the chance to use "Bernd's Individual Consulting" which safes you lots of money during your trip. We can give information, how to get the bike into Australia without having a carnet and less stress.
Earlier experiences: Gino Grimbacher started 1974 with little motorcycle trips around Germany (20 000km) on a DKW 200.
04.02.2007 1st summary
1980 - 1994 he toured in several trips around Europe (60 000km) between North Cape – Marocco and between Ireland and Czechoslovakia on a BMW R80/7.
Renate Greulach and Gino Grimbacher together:
1995 - 1998: In 1995 they bought a BMW R100 GS PD in New York ( USA ) and travelled both on this bike 35.000 km around North-America , Canada and Alaska . See North-America
1999-2000 from Vancouver – Tierra del Fuego and Brasil (43 000km). See North and South America.
Dreaming off: S.Africa and Russia/Asia

David Böll and Peter Gottschlich somewhere in Australia. (C) Foto David Böll.

29.09.2002 - ca. 28.02.2003
David Böll (German, born 06.05.1965) and Peter Gottschlich (German, 23.05.1968)
+ Australia overland.
David and Peter (PeGo) rode overland from Cologne, Germany to Australia on two HONDA Africa Twin. 23 000 km. They both work together in the Cologne Fire Service. So they drove with a motto: to lay a long distance hose line from Cologne to Alice Springs.
Because they wanted "to lie a hoseline" from Cologne to Alice Springs because they are firemen. 20 Kollegen, dem Kompletten Loeschzug der Koelner Innenstadt und der Polýzeý Motorradstaffel und ungefaehr 50 Freunden und Verwandten auf der Domplatte verabschýedet worden sind, haben uns die Polizisten noch bis zur Stadtgraenze gebracht. Mit Blaulicht versteht sich...was für eýn Trubel!!! Zeitweise war mir das etwas zuviel, aber ihr seht was dabei herauskommt, wenn man als Feuerwehrmann sagt, man macht da mal so eine Feuerwehrtour...! They call their motorcycles "Beauty & Beast".
Purpose of travel: To make a dream come true we had for years.
Route: Europe (Germany - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey). We met our wifes Claudia and Heike in Kapadokia and travelled together on two bikes for two weeks. - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike by plane to Thailand. We flew to Thailand as well. Thailand - Malaysia - back to Thailand – Malaysia again). We met our wifes and Heikes daughter Patricia in Kuala Lumpur for two weeks over Christmas and new year and travelled around together. - Australia (we flew from Kuala Lumpur to Perth. Our bikes came to Fremantle by container ship ten days later. In Australia we rode: Perth – Kalgoorlie – Leonora – New Gun Barrel Highway to Yulara – Alice Springs – Coober Pedy – Williams Creek – Flinders Ranges - Adelaide) - Europe (Bikes by ship to Hamburg - Cologne).
The best: the contact to Fire Fighters (the FAMILY) in all the countries we rode through, to connect the hose line. To choose a motto like this was one of the real good ideas whitch Bernd always supported. - People, people, people. To meet all the really different people, even if it was only for a short time. - Iran!!! (Iranian hospitality and friendliness of people is something I can't describe!!) - Our two HONDA's, the beauty and the beast. We did not have any puncture (it's Honda, the power of our dreams!!). Both have rack and boxes from Bernd Tesch
The worst: Pakistan police and border police. - Traffic in India (suicide command). - Paperwork in Malaysia and Australia. The Oz people are very keen about their paper work!!
Book or publication: not jet
Useful information's and TIPS for others: Check your Carnet de Passage before you start. German ADAC made a mistake with Peters chassis no. in the papers. We always had discussions at borders!!
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Europe. - 20 000 km in Australia
Summary: 27.11.02: Wir sind in Nepal und fuehlen uns sauwohl hier. Weil Nepal wesentlich ruhiger und relaxter ist als Iran, Pakistan und Indien. Die Menschen lachen nicht nur viel, sondern wir fanden, dass sie auch ein Lachen ausstrahlen. Ausserdem hat uns die Landschaft ganz gewaltig beeindruckt.
Flugtransport Nepal-Thailand: Cargo Agency "Eagle Eye Cargo, Thamel, Kathmandu/Nepal ": Fuer 1 Moped und 1 Person ca. 800 US$. Wir haben jedes Moped einzeln auf eine Palette gebracht und dann wurde eine Kiste drumherum gebaut. Wir haben die Mopeds vorher vermessen und nach den Angaben wurde die Kiste angefertigt. Das hat der Agent veranlasst.
Wir werden nun das erste mal auf unserer Tour den Land/Wasserweg verlassen und per Flieger weiterreisen. Fuer uns ist es so eine Art "Abschnitt" unserer Reise, der hier zuende geht und das hielten wir fuer einen guten Grund einmal ein paar Dinge zusammen zu fassen!
Summary: 24.02.2003: Die "Schoene und das Biest" stehen verpackt in Port Adelaide und PeGo und ich kommen uns vor, als wuerden wir auf die Henkersmahlzeit warten. Nur noch wenige Tage bis zu unserem Heimflug. Gemischte Gefuehle.
Folgende "Zwischenergebnisse" Deutschland - Nepal:
- Km insgesamt: Von Koeln bis Kathmandu. hat jeder von uns zurueckgelegt: km 12.542
- Spritverbrauch insgesamt: 1430,98 l für beide. So: 715 l jeder.
- Motoroelverbrauch insgesamt: 2 l für beide
- Scottoiler Oel Verbrauch insgesamt: 1.75 l
- Reifen vorne: 2 zusammen. Jeder 1.
- Reifen hinten: 4 zusammen. Jeder 2.
- Kettenkit: Jeder 1
- Luftfilter: Jeder 2
- Sonstige Verschleissteile: 0
- Motormaessige Ausfaelle: 0
- Oelwechsel in Bangkok: Jedes Moped
- Unfaelle: Keine
- Regentage: 7
- Die schoensten Unterkuenfte: 1) Amasya/Tuerkei. 2) Parkside Hotel/Nepal. 3) Privatunterkunft bei unserem Freund Siamek in Zanjan/Iran.
- Die von uns gesehenen "abgefahrensten Fahrzeuge bzw Transportmittel unterwegs":
1) Radfahrer mit ca. 100 leeren Plastikkanistern. 2) nackte LKW Fahrgestelle. 3) Kamelkarren und Karavanen
- Ungezaehlt: Haendeschuetteln ;das Wort HONDA sagen; Interviews geben; zu Fototerminen erscheinen; netten Menschen begegnen; Schlagloecher; dem hupenden, blinkenden Gegenverkehr ausweichen; selber hupen; an unsere Frauen denken; unsere Arbeit nicht vermissen; zurueckwinken;
- Die schoenste Feuerwache: Sursee/Schweiz
- Hoechstgeschwindigkeit: 160 km/h, auf der A3 in Deutschland
- Die langsamste Geschwindigkeit: ca. 10 km/h auf einem pakistanischen "Highway"
- Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit: 51 km/h und damit schneller als die Tour de France
- Groesste Ueberraschung: Das der PeGo im Iran gar nicht in Badeschlappen und Boxershort, volltrunken, Moped gefahren ist. Ich musste ihn bisher noch gar nicht aus 'ner Zelle hohlen!!!
- Groesste Enttaeuschung: Keine
- Die laengste gefahrene Strecke am Stueck: Sursee- Ancona. Ca. 750 km
- Die mieseste Toilette: Im Hinterhof einer illegelen Tankstelle in der pakistanischen Wueste
- Die schoensten Frauen: Nepal
- Die schoensten Maenner: Mc Leod Ganj/Indien
- Die beeindruckensten Gebaeude: 1) Wuestenstadt Bam/Iran, Goldener Tempel/Indien, Taj Mahal/Indien
09.12.2002 They are now in Bangkok. It took them 11 hours in 20 different offices to get all the stamps to get their motorcycles out of the office !

Folgende "Endergebnisse" meiner Strecke; Deutschland - Australien:
Ich bin auf dieser Tour insgesamt 22 293 km gefahren. Von der Domplatte bis zum Lagerhaus in Port Adelaide. Dafuer hat das Biest 1258,45 l Benzin gebraucht. Das macht einen Schnitt von 5,64 l/100 km bei meiner Africa-Twin. Den Sprit habe ich an 83 Tankstellen aufgenommen, wobei manche davon den Namen eigentlich nicht verdient haben.
In Bangkok haben wir das einzige mal Luftfilter, Motoroel komplett und hintere Bremsbelaege getauscht. Ausserdem habe ich in Bangkok einen neuen Hinterreifen aufgezogen. Seit Bangkok habe ich noch ungefaehr 0,3 l Motoroel nachgekippt. Scottoil habe ich auf der gesamten Strecke ca. 600 ml gebraucht und die Kette ist immer noch nicht hinueber. Sie ist jetzt seit ueber 30 000 km 'drauf.
Das Land mit den meisten Regentagen war zweifelsohne Malaysia. Den tiefsten Punkt haben wir am Lake Eyre in Australien, mit -12 m durchfahren. In Australien hatten wir mit Sicherheit auch die heissesten Tage. 48-50 Grad im Roten Zentrum haben uns ganz schoen zu schaffen gemacht. (Seit ein paar Tagen sind die Pisten, die wir dort gefahren sind, im Uebrigen Ueberschwemmt. Die staerksten Regenfaelle seit 29 Jahren... Glueck gehabt!)
Pannen: KEINE. Richtig krank: WAS IST DAS? KEIN MAL (keen Zick fuer Bloedsinn!!)
Ich habe nicht gezaehlt, wie oft ich den "Startknopf" gedrueckt habe, aber es war jedesmal wieder schoen, das Geraeusch, wenn das Biest anspringt...
Dem Kollegen Itschert moechte ich an dieser Stelle mitteilen, dass wir nicht mit einem Motorroller, der aus dem letzten Loch pfeift, vollgepackt, nach Koeln zurueckkehren. Die "Schoene und das Biest" sehen aus wie am ersten Tag. Gut, etwas verschmutzt, aber ansonsten haben sie sich aeusserlich nicht veraendert.
Am Ende dieser Tour, das nun erreicht ist, verbringen PeGo und ich einige Zeit damit, ueber das Erlebte nach zu denken. Wir koennen es selber kaum glauben, dass alles so reibungslos "gelaufen" ist. Natuerlich freuen wir uns darueber.
Ich behaupte von mir, dass ich Fantasie habe: Die zehnte Kasse musste ich unter anderem wiederholen, weil ich mich, statt mich um schulische Dinge zu kuemmern, lieber in Tagtraeumen verloren habe.
Schon vorher habe ich im Haus meiner Eltern, in meinem Zimmer, aus dem Fenster gesehen und mir vorgestellt woanders zu sein, andere Laender zu bereisen. Das habe ich immer getan. Als ich ungefaehr 16 war hatte ich den Wunsch einfach meine Sachen zu packen und los zu fahren. Im Atlas habe ich nachgeschaut, wie weit man kommen kann, wenn man in Stommeln aufbricht und keine Faehre oder ein Flugzeug benutzen will. Bis nach Sued-Ost-Asien und dann mit einem Schiff nach Australien. Seit dieser Zeit ist mir diese Reise nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gegangen. Nicht, dass ich ununterbrochen daran gedacht haette, aber der Traum war immer da.In diesen Tagen nun ist er ausgetraeumt. Ein seltsames Gefuehl, das kann ich euch versichern. Und es war gar nicht so schwer. Es war "nur" eine Strasse.
Bevor wir gestartet sind habe ich erwartet, dass mich die Landschaften, die wir durchfahren werden, am meisten beeindrucken wuerden. Sicherlich haben wir da atemberaubendes gesehen, aber das war noch gar nichts, verglichen mit den Menschen, denen wir auf unserer gesamten Reise begegnet sind. Sie haben mich am meisten beeindruckt und beruehrt. Die Menschen der verschiedenen Laender genauso, wie andere Touristen. Wir sind fast immer nett, herzlich oder sogar liebenswert aufgenommen worden. Wir haben Freundschaften geschlossen. Obwohl die Kulturen und teilweise auch die Sprache so unterschiedlich war, wie es nur sein kann, haben wir uns groestenteils wohl gefuehlt. Zunaechst war ich traurig darueber, dass mein Traum nun ausgetraeumt ist. Aber die Verwirklichung dieser Idee hat gewirkt wie ein Katalysator. Die Traeume hoeren einfach nicht auf....!
B.T.: Eine der besten Übersichten einer Motorrad-Reise overland Deutschland - Nepal - Bangkok - Australien. Jetzt fehlt nur noch etwwas Überszeugungsarbeit bei seiner netten Frau Claudia, damit SIE die nächste Tour nicht verpaßt !
2002 1st contact before the tour for recommendation
12.12.2003 Finally I got the requested summary above. Unfortunately David never answers my question when his book about this tour is ready. Hereby I order the first one. Hopefully personally signed:
27.04.2011 David has a bad old but send me the foto.
29.04.2011 Hopefull he will join the 53rd. Tesch-Travel-Treffen in Malmedy

05.10.2002 - ca. 19.11.2002 (I hit the northern most point fo Australia)
Dave Barr (American)
The Journey was 16,000 km 5,000 was on dirt track. I did it on a 2002 HD Sportster 883.
Route: Perth - to Steep Point the far western point of Australia mainland - to the far eastern point through the interior - a bit of the Gibson desert - Victoria desert and the edge of the great Sandy desert - to Bryon Bay the far eastern point - to Wilson's promontory the far southern point - onward north to the tip top of the Cape York Peninsula. No one is on record of taking a motor vehicle to all four points. It was 16,000km, 5,000km was on dirt track.
The Best: The best part of the journey was the Australians them selves. They were very >helpful and always jolly. The country is uncrowded and big my kind of place.
The worst: I was gone 8 weeks hard being away from wife Susan and Baby boy Luke.
16.02.2003 Dave: I am a bit late in letting you know but i have in Dec completed another Guinness Book Record ride to the 4 extreme cumpuss points of Australia. This has not been done before. Guinness Book only let me know about 2 weeks ago.
21.02.2003 3rd request for update
Earlier experiences
: Around-The-World. An 83.000 Mile (132.800 km) Adventure Around The World in 3,5 years solo on a 1972 HDavidson
Pubilcation: Dave will NOT write a book. He made a TV-video and hopes to sell this.
B.T.: Out of my knowledge no other Motorcycle Traveller had the idea to travel the four corners of Australia and no one did it.
November 19th that was the day

Stefan Gabel
New Zealand's Travel Site - Neuseelands Reise-Website - Le site de voyage de - la Nouvelle-Zélande
4 Cheyne Walk . Nelson . New Zealand. Phone + 64 - 3 - 544 0829. Fax + 64 - 3 - 544 0849. Email
11.10.2002 Stefan has been several times in NZ and started now a new internet TRavel-Agency. Renting out Motorcycles as well.
11.10.2002 1st request for update.

02.10.2002 - 26.11.2002
Dagmar Fischer and Udo (Germans)
+ Fifth ride in Australia ca. 6.000 kms.
Route: Townsville - Daintree NP - Chillagoe - Croydon - Karumba - Lawn Hill NP - Gregory Downs - Mt Isa (via sealed road)- Camoveal - Devil's Marble Nature Reserve - Alice Springs with a few days in the East and West MacDonnel Ranges.
Best: We met a lot of new friends and could save "Lucky" a Joey which we found next to its dead mother. Also we experienced some thunderstorms, canoing on a fast flowing river and swimming in the cold waterholes in the MacDonnels.
Worst: 3 weeks of extreme heat, and we had to change our kind of travelling, which means we had to avoid strenous action like long walks and too many tracks. 2 weeks waiting for a new shock absorber, although it is possible (and normal) to send spare parts by plane to Townsville in 24 hours (for 20 $ more).
Flight: With Qantas: Frankfurt - Singapore - Sydney - Townsville. Back: Alice Springs - Melbourne - Singapore - Frankfurt. Very expensive (much more than the years before), but the shortest possibility. Very good: railway (from home to Frankfurt) is included.
Bikes: BMW R100 GS Paris Dakar and Yamaha XT 600 E. We left them last year in Townsville and got them back one day after arrival. The battery of the GS was gone, probably because of the high humidity in Townsville, the battery of the Yamaha was empty, too, but we could recharge it (although it is smaller and much older).
Buying bikes in Australia and storing them means that you need friends, who can receive the registration papers. In all states except Victoria the bikes need an inspection each year. In Victoria you need this (roadworthy) only, when you sell a bike, or transfer it into this state. So make the first registration there.
It was not possible to make a third party insurance in Queensland, because we are no Queensland residents. And we could not make a third party insurance in Victoria unless we where there ! (Other humans, you may injure or kill, are insured with the registration, things not). Storing them is easier, but it can be expensive, if you don't find a friend or a friendly workshop, who wants to help you. But in bigger cities there are self catering storage systems, you can find them in the yellow pages.
Spareparts: It is getting more difficult to get spare parts for the BMW than it was the years before, but tyres and spare parts for the XT you can buy in every bigger city like Mt. Isa and Alice Springs. It was not a problem to send Yamaha Parts from Melbourne to Alice Springs in 2 days, but a big problem to get a shock absorber in Townsville - it took nearly 2 weeks...
During 5 journeys we learnt, that the first and the third were too fast, we had not enough time to meet people and stay longer at some places we liked. This (2002) was our slowest trip and the one we met a lot of new friends. We could spend more time watching animals and learnt a lot more about the country, its people and its history. Also we found out, that 40°C is too hot to do long walks and long rides on rough roads, but we enjoyed the cool waterholes and rivers. And it was very interesting to spend 7 weeks in heat. The other years we also had time in the cool areas of Australia.
One week after coming home we again are a little bit worried about the difference between Germans and Australians: Most Australians say g´day (or hello or hi or....) and are talking to other people about weather, beauty of the landscape or whatever. But also most Australians avoid disturbing other people, if you are on a campground, or in a pool or if you are taking pictures. Germans are much more reserved, but on the other side also much more obstrusive in their behavior. But the peoüle in the Eifel - where we live - are a little bit like the Australians...

01.12.2002 - 27.02.2003
Tobias Tremmel (German, 12,03.1975)
Australia. Tobias rode solo in Australia with BMW R 100 GS
Route: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, including backland - outback, Adilaide, Cooper Pedy, Perth
Purpose of travel: Fun. Meeting the best girls and country
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship
The worst: ?
Book or publication (about your tour): .......
Useful informations and TIPS for others: ....
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:...
20.11.02 1st request for next update
15.07.2003 No email from him.


Kate Leeming. Book-Cover. Route.

Kate Leeming
+ Around Australia. Kate circled most solo (second part) Australiaby bicycle: "Great Australian Cycle Expedition (GRACE)". A 25.000 km journey through her own country. 7000 kilometres of which were to be ‘off road’ on isolated tracks in remote regions.
The purpose of the expedition was to promote the importance of, and contribute towards, education for sustainable development. The expedition was the first Australian project, and one of the world’s first, to be selected as a Demonstration Activity for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-14).
Book: ISBN 978-1920892463. OUT THERE AND BACK. The story of the 25 000-km Great Australian Cycle Expedition. It is Kate’s personal chronicle of the GRACE Expedition. At the same time it raises awareness of the importance of education for sustainable development, underpinned by the author’s beliefs and fuelled by her experiences cycling across Russia in 1993. This detailed, often graphic, account of an amazing journey into the heart of Australia is told with style, humour and insight. A highlight is Kate’s description of the first bicycle crossing of the Canning Stock Route (CSR) by a woman. The CSR, the world’s longest, most arduous stock route, bisects four deserts and approximately one thousand sand dunes.
Cycling without the aid of a support vehicle (for all but the CSR), and alone for the second half of the expedition, Kate develops a close connection with and respect for the Australian people and landscapes, skilfully weaving in information about early explorers, pioneers and colourful characters who shaped the outback. She gives impressions of her visits to Indigenous communities and glimpses of life on cattle stations and in remote outposts and country towns.
This quality publication, with foreword by Robert Swan, OBE, is illustrated by over 300 full-colour photographs and will appeal to a wide readership around the world.
Earlier experiences: In 1993, Kate Leeming became the first woman in history to cycle across the ‘New Russia’, when she organised, led and completed the five-month, 13 400-kilometre Trans-Siberian Cycle Expedition in aid of the children of Chernobyl.
Organization: First info by John Weiss in USA.
24.06.2016 First summary by B.T.
27.06.2016 First summary. First request for update

11.05.2003 - 24.11.2005
Daniel Schaller (Swiss, born 29.11.1974)

B.T.: As far as I know Daniel is the first mc-overland-traveller at all who rode overland on this route especially trough Albania.+ Switzerland - India - Australia - Japan -Russia - Europe. Daniel rode solo with motorcycle YAMAHA XT 600 from Switzerland to Australia. And then Daniel wanted to decide new what to do.... Finally he rode through Japan - Russia back to Europe. in 30 months he rode 98.000 kms. It has been all different during the trip. About 3000km in the air, close to 12000km on boats and, of course, 98000km on the road, the place to be. 927 days of travel.
Route: Europe (Switzerland - Liechtenstein - Austria - Italia - Slovenia - Croatia - Bosnia - Serbia - Kosovo - Albania - Macedonia - Bulgaria - Turkey - Asia (Syria - Lebanon - back to Syria - Jordan - Syria) - Europe (Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal - back to India - flight from Bangladesch (Chittagong) to Thailand (Chiang Mai, april 2004) - Laos - Cambodia - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Malaysia - motorcycle by freightrr to Indonesia / Sumatra and I by ferry to Indonesia - Sumatra > Java > Bali > Lombok > Flores > Timor > East Timor > mc by freighter from shippinglines Perkins to Australia (Darwin) - I flew with air north to Australia (Darwin) - 6 months by mc Broome > Perth - Nullabor - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney - mc by shipping lines ?? to NZ (Christchurch) - I flew with air NZ to NZ (Christchurch) - South and north Island 2 months - both by German shipping lines Oldendorff from NZ (Tauranga) to Japan (Osaka) - 2 months Japan - both by ferry from Japan (Fushiki) to Russia (Vladivostok) - by mc Transsiberia (MOscow - St. Petersburg) - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Russia (Kaliningrad) - Poland - Germany - Netherlands - Germany - Switzerland.
Purpose of Travel: Can't really tell you why, just felt this urge to do it.
Balkan-Route: I can only recommend you the route through the Balkans to get to Turkey. As a Swiss (and most probably other Western European nationalities) I didn't have to get any visa in advance. I had to pay something on entering Serbia, Kosovo (the insurance only if I remember it well) and Albania. I don't remember if it was for a real visa or just for the immigration formalities. Anyway, you can complete all formalities at the borders. Don't be afraid about your bike. Take the usal precautions. Your bike is probably safer in the Balkans than on any beach road in southern France or so. But go there, see how close the war was to your home (assuming you life in Europe).
Bangladesh to Singapore: I tried to get together with my bike on a passenger ship from Chittagong in Bangladesh to Singapore. I had no success. I was running from office to office in Chittagong for a week but no one wanted to take the responsability and make a decision to allow me on a cargo ship. Unfortunately I was not able to talk directly to a captain. The port is heaviliy guarded for obvious reasons: Every ship setting sail here heads for a more prosperous country than Bangladesh. So I decided to ship the bike by air to Chiang Mai. Thai Airways has three flights a week to Chiang Mai, but only the flight on wednesday can carry heavy freight as the other planes are loaded manually. If you want to go this way, please inquire if Thai Airways still flies this route as I heard it will be dropped due to low demand. The shipping agent I chose is quite reputable as he also handles cargo of any kind for most of the embassies in Bangladesh. Thai Airways' cargo charges are very competitive with US$ 0.64/kg, but it didn't get that cheap in the end. I paid BDT4,500 for the wooden box, BDT13,302 for the Thai Airways' cargo charges (352kg volumetric weight) and BDT15,000 for the agent's services like paperwork, loading, shipping and unloading at the airport. All in all about US$570. This includes "speed money" for the customs authorities as well, but this does not refer to extra speed but to any non-zero speed. So if you want to have something done, you have to pay. If you could do the paperwork yourself, you'd manage to get a very cheap overall price.
But I saw bureaucracy here on getting a visa extension so it's probably a good idea to have an agent for that. Futhermore he justified the big expense for his services with the missing import stamp in my carnet. They didn't ask for the carnet at the border, so I thought it's a good idea to enter the country without that stamp. But even if I had had that stamp, the agent would have found some other excuses to get the money from me. The bike was on the same plane as me (US$183 for the one-way ticket) and I could get it through customs at Chiang Mai within some hours and just the ususal cargo handling charges paid. I really tried to do my trip without flying, but it didn't work out. But at least this is probably the shortest flight across this Myanmar oddity.
The best: There sure is one, the unprecedented freedom I experience.
The worst: There are tough times, but that's life.
2003 Daniel war hier zum Trägerbau.
01.2004 Postkarte aus Indien, dass alles o.k. ist.
05.04.2004 Last update.
2004.12.?? We met Daniel by accident in Australia before the Nullabor.
2005.11.21 Daniel visited us in Hammer / Germany coming von Vlad
03.01.2006 His final letter to all:
It's already more than a month that I'm back in Switzerland. At the end of October, after having crossed the whole of Russia, I left snowy St Petersburg to ride the last kilometers back home to Central Europe. The European Union expanded eastwards during the time I've been away so it was only the short trip to Estonia that brought me back into the EU.
It's still a long way from there but it instantly feels much more like home. This was probably the reason why I rushed through the Baltic states and Poland to get to Western Europe. I slowed down through Germany and Holland to visit some people I met on the trip before I finally crossed the border and got back to Switzerland on November the 24th, after 927 days of travel. Nationality looses some importance when you travel through many contries but I caught myself having some patriotic feelings when I set foot on my homeland. I always hoped to come back home by road, the same way that I left, and it really is special to get into known territory kilometer by kilometer. But all too soon you think you've never been away. Not many things changed in Switzerland, far less than you'd probably think. But this is probably what makes you feel home. Everything is as expected.

It has been all different during the trip. About 3000km in the air, close to 12000km on boats and, of course, 98000km on the road, the place to be. It was a time of constant change, almost every day brought something unknown. New countries, new landscapes, new cities, new people, new climates, new food and sometimes new problems, too. It was a wonderful experience, excitement day by day and above all, unprecedented freedom. Thanks to all the people I met around the world - some of them for longer, some of them for only a very short time - and who helped me along the way. You made the trip!

In the meantime I already did some acclimatisation work including some time in the army (you have to do that here in Switzerland, honestly) but it will still take some time to really get back into daily life. It's so different to traveling that sometimes I think I just read a book about my trip but didn't actually do it. Getting home also means to get back to work again and this actually sounds quite exciting to me. I wish you a very exciting 2006, too, in good health, lots of success with what you do (or not do) and hopefully some travels as well. Cheers, Daniel.

30.04.2003 - 06.06.2003
Bernd Raffelt (Geb. 21.06.1950)
+ Around Australia.
Bernd circled Australia solo with a Simson KR 80 classic scooter 70 ccm. in 27 days plus 6 days rest he made 13.332 kms. He had a lot of sponsors.
Book : Bernd writes another book. He still writes by hand and refuses to write on a computer.
Ca. 12.07.03 Bernd called me.
18.07.2003, 22 o´clock TV-show in MDR.

Ulrike und Kai in 2005.

01.05.2003 - 22.02.2005
Ulrike Teutriene (German, born 20.11.1965) and Kai Grimmel (German, born 16.07.1958)
+ Germany- Asia - Australia - New Zealan Ulrike (BMW F 650) and Kai (BMW R 1100 GS) rode overland from Germany (Hilden) to Nepal (Kathmandu), flew to SE Asia, travelled SE Asia, flew to Australia and rode in Australia and New Zealand. 70.000 kms in 22 months though 18 countries.
Route: 6.000km (Germany-Czech Republic-Slovakia-Hungary-Romania-Bulgaria) Asia: 20.000km (Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-India-Nepal). Flight to SE Asia: 12.000km (Thailand-Cambodia-Laos-Malaysia-Singapore). Shipping of Bikes to Australia. Australia: 24.000km. Shipping of Bikes to New Zealand : New Zealand 11.000km.
The best: We both have quit our jobs !!! Wonderful people in Romania. Trekking in Turkey / Lycian Way. As a Woman on a big bike in Iran and Pakistan. Karakorum Highway in Pakistan. Road Manali- Leh in Ladakh / India. Desert Thar in India. Trekking the Himalayas in Nepal and/or India. Rainforest and Jungle in SE Asia. Friendly people in Laos. Ho Chi Min Trail in Vietnam. Wild camping in the Outback in Australia
The Worst: A broken Gear Shaft at the F650; a broken Drive Shaft at the R1150GS, Sandflies in New Zealand.
Book or Publication: planned
Earlier Experience of Big Motorcycle Tours: Greece / Turkey 10.000 km, Scandinavia around the East Sea 10.000km.
14.12.2003 Ulrike is a high potential writing woman. So - if you want to travel overland look in their website as well !
Die Fakten unserer Air Cargo Versandes von Nepal nach Bangkok:
Die Kiste fuer die R1100GS war 91x34x46 inch gross. In der Hoehe haetten wir noch 2 inch einsparen koennen. Die Kiste wog 380 kg, nach der Volumengewicht 91x34x46/366=389 kg, es gilt immer das hoehere Gewicht. Das Vorderrad wird entfernt, der Lenker geloest und verschraenkt. Dann wird das Motorrad mit den Gepaeckgurten an der Bodenplatte fixiert. In die Hohlraueme passen die Boxen und etliches Kleingepaeck. Jacken und weiches Gepaeck kann als Schutz fuer die empfindlichen Lackteile wie Tank genutzt werden. Ulrikes Box ist 73x25x44 inch gross = 219 kg, sie wog 255 kg. Viel Platz fuer zusaetzliches Gepaeck ist nicht vorhanden, die Box ist sehr knapp bemessen, die Maschine sehr schmal. Benzin haben wir bis auf die Reserve in Tank abgelassen und an die Nepalis verkauft, die Batterie muss abgeklemmt werden, die Luft wird aus den Reifen gelassen. Danach werden die Boxen mit Metallbaendern verschlossen und muessen zwei Tage im Zollbereich stehen bleiben, da es sich wegen des Benzins um gefaehrliche Gueter handelt. Die Kosten berechnen sich aus dem Gewicht 608 kg x 1.07 USD = 650.56 USD. Dazu kommen noch die Dangerous Goods Declarations 2 x 20 USD, die Airway Bill 2 USD umd die Frachtversicherung (0.63%) mit 46.50 USD, die Boxen mit 111 USD (4000 NRp pro Box, wiegen 50 kg), die Handling Fees fuer den Agenten mit 42 USD (1500 NRp pro Bike), macht zusammen 892 USD und da der Euro ja so guenstig steht 731 Euro.
Die Tickets nach Bangkok kosten 220 USD pro Person, am Flughafen werden 16 USD pro Person Flughafengebuehren erhoben. Summa summarum sind das 1364 US-Dollar oder 1118 Euro. Auf der Airway Bill muesst ihr mit Namen als Consignee (Empfaenger) genannt werden, da nur diese Personen die Waren abholen koennen. In Bangkok muss ein langer Tag fuer das Abholen eingeplant werden, Kosten 1BT pro kg plus 200 BT Gebuehren, 808 BT oder rund 17 Euro.
Die Fakten unseres Shipping Versandes von Singapore nach Darwin:
1. Hotel in Johor Bahru (JB) nehmen
2. Motorradversicherung bei UniAsia General (17/18th Floor Jln Tebrau, 80250 Jahor Bahru, Tel. 07-2230488 ca.70 RM pro Motorrad fuer einen Monat (14 Euro), gilt in Malaysia und Singapur
3. Mit dem Expressbus nach Singapur fahren bis Endstation (2,40 RM p.P.), MRT-Bahn von Station Busit bis Somerset fahren, 10 min Fussweg bis Automobilclub Singapore, River Valley Road (Mo-Fr, 8.30-17.30), dort bekommt ihr das ICP (International Circulation Permit). Dafuer braucht ihr das Carnet de Passage, Versicherungspolice, Pass, deutschen Kfz-Schein sowie 10,50 S$ pro Motorrad. Dort auch das Carnet fuer die Einreise und evtl. die Ausreise auf der Rueckseite stempeln lassen (endorsement). Der AAS will wissen, wann und wie die Motorraeder das Land verlassen. Daher am besten vorher Kontakt mit einem Shipping Agent aufnehmen. Die rufen da tatsaechlich an und kontrollieren. Stadtkarte von Singapur gibt es dort auch.
4. Zurueck nach JB. Auf dem Rueckweg an der Grenze mehrere Departure und Arrival Cards mitnehmen und bereits im Hotel ausfuellen, das spart Zeit an der Grenze.
Einreise nach Singapur mit dem Motorrad
1. Frueh starten
2. Auf der malayischen Seite ganz links die Motorradspur nehmen. Nach der Passkontrolle nach Customs fragen und Carnet stempeln lassen.
3. Rueber nach Singapur fahren
4. Direkt bei der Cargo/LKW-Spur anstellen (hier werdet ihr eh hingeschickt)
5. Carnet stempeln lassen
6. Bei Transport Authority einen Autopass kaufen (1 Tag = 10 S$). Folgende Papiere werden benoetigt: ICP, Carnet, Pass, Versicherungsnachweiss, Fuehrerschein (nationaler reicht).
7. Willkommen in Singapur
8. Die Expressways zum Shipping Agent nehmen. Wir haben mit Megastar Shipping in der Neil Road 21 a verschifft.
9. Angie Ong von Megastar Shipping stellt die Ladepapiere aus.
10. Den PSA (Hafen-) Pass bekommt ihr am Verwaltungsgebaeude des Hafens am Gate 1, am Ende der Cantonment Road.
11. Am Gate 3 werdet ihr mit den Motorraedern hereingelassen. Das liegt ca. 10 km westlich vom Gate 1 direkt an der Hafenfront. Bei Customs direkt am Gate die Carnets stempeln lassen.
12. Im Hafen Halle PT1 und bei Mr. Sum melden.
13. Ladepapiere abgeben und Motorraeder in den Container fahren.
14. Motorraeder werden verzurrt und der Container versiegelt. Evtl. wird noch anderes Ladegut beigepackt. Tankinhalt wird nicht kontrolliert, Batterie muss nicht abgeklemmt werden wie bei Aircargo.
15. Hafen zu Fuss verlassen und Buslinie 143 bis New Bridge Road nehmen. Von dort 10 min Fussweg zu Megastar. 16. Die Bill of Landing ist euer Versanddokument. Oben rechts steht die B/L No. (Referenznummer), im Hauptfeld die Container Nummer und die Siegelnummer.
17. Urlaub auf Bali machen oder Freunde in Australien besuchen, denn die Schiffsreise dauert 10 - 12 Tage.

Kosten in Singapur
Shipping Charges: 275 USD pro Motorrad
LCL Charge (less container load): 20 S$ pro cbm
WHC Charge (wharf handling charge): 1,75 S$ pro cbm
UCI Fee: 10 S$ pro Ladung
B/L Document Fee: 50 S$ pro Ladung Wir haben fuer 2 Motorraeder (5,8 cbm Aussendimensionen nehmen) 550 USD und 186,10 S$ bezahlt.

Motorraeder abholen in Darwin
1.  Am besten telefonisch Kontakt mit Perkins aufnehmen und nachfragen, wann die Motorraeder von Customs und Quarantine Inspection besichtigt werden koennen.
2. Mit diesem Termin zu Customs in der 21 Lindsay Street gehen und Termin vereinbaren. Der Customsbeamte benoetigt die B/L. Er organisiert auch den Quarantine Termin, so dass beide Inspectionen zur gleichen Zeit stattfinden koennen. Kostet 87 AUS$. Carnets, Zulassung und Pass nicht vergessen.
3. Etwas vor dem Termin bei Perkins im Francis Bay Drive erscheinen und die Hafengebuehren von rund 150 AUS$ bezahlen.
4. Jetzt zeigt sich, ob ihr Ausruestung und Motorrad gut gereinigt habt. Die Campingausruestung wird eingehend inspiziert, ebenso das Motorrad einschl. Luftfilter. Bei uns gab es keine Beanstandungen. Uebrigens kleinere Stellen duerft ihr selbst reinigen, ansonsten darf nur Perkins reinigen und das kostet 50 AUS$ pro Stunde. Und wenn die Leute von Perkins sehr beschaeftigt sind, kann das auch mal einige Tage dauern. Inspektionsgebuehr wird dann auch wieder faellig.
5. Jetzt koennt ihr losfahren und zwar zur Motor Vehicle Registry in der Goyder Road am Stuart Highway. Dort gibt es einen Mini-TUeV und die Registrierung eures Fahrzeugs. Auch muss dort die "Third Party Compensation Contribution" faellig, eine Versicherung von Personenschaeden Dritter, ist also keine Motorradhaftpflichtversicherung eures Motorrades. Kostet fuer drei Monaten in den NT rund 150 AUS $ pro Bike. Muss nach Ablauf in dem Bundesstaat , in dem ihr gerade seid, verlaengert werden. Gleiche Prozedur.
6. Hit the road now - good luck.

Die Fakten unseres Shipping Versandes von Sydney nach Auckland: Spediteuer in Sydney / Australien:
Towers International Freight, Unit 14/33 Maddox Street , Alexandria NSW 2015 Sydney
Asprechpartner Anthony Legisa +61-2-9550-6610, Spediteur in Auckland / Neuseeland:
Jas Jenners Worldwide, 47Richard Pearse Drive , Mangere, Auckland
Ansprechpartner Phil Gibbs +64-9-275-1103, Holz fuer Kisten von Procycles (BMW Haendler) in Hornsby, Sydney. Masse: 2,25 x 1,10 x 1.00 m = 2.50 cbm je Kiste. Kosten:  440,50 Euro fuer 2 Motorraeder Export Australien = 540,50 AUD = 313,50 Euro
Seafright 2 x 2,50 cbm x 85 AUD = 425,00 AUD
Documentation Fee = 65 AUD
Custom Inspection = 50 AUD Import Neuseeland = 240,00 NZD = 127,00 Euro
PSC NZ = 37,95 NZD
Forestry Fee = 10,12 NZD
Delivery Order = 40,00 NZD
MAF Permit = 15,00 NZD
MAF Inspection Fee = 110,00 NZD
21.11.2002 1st request for update
11.-13.04.2 003 Visiting 25th Meeting for Mc-WORLD-Travellers
14.12.2003 Ulrike is a high potential writing woman. So - if you want to travel overland look in their website as well: From: Bernd Tesch
14.12.2005 last update
12.-23.04.2006 Ulrike and Kai will give a slide-show about their tour "Deutschland > Asien > Australien > NZ".

10.2009: Buch:Ulrike Teutrine und Kai Grimmel: „Bis zum Ende der Welt. 70.000 Kilometer Erlebnisse“.
Mit einer BMW 1100 (Kai) + F 650 GS (Ulrike) reisen die Autoren in 22 Monaten durch 18 Länder: „Europa - Asien - Australien – Neuseeland“. Ein Taschenbuch mit Ulrikes lesenswertem Schreibstil und Kais Organisationstalent. Viele träumen von dieser Tour; wenige realisieren sie; kaum einer schreibt darüber ein Buch. Vorwort Bernd Tesch. Kastanienhof Verlag. Softcover. 306 S. 20 Farbfotos. Zahlreiche SW. ISBN 3941760149. € 16,99. Mehr Infos und signierte Bücher von den Autoren über: n

20.05.2003 - 04.04.2004
Shirley Hardy-Rix (Australian, born 08.02.1955) and Brian Rix (Australian, born 11.10.1955)
+ Great Britain (London) - Australia. Journalist Shirley - daughter of famous Australian author Frank Hardy - and Detective Inspector Brian will ride in 11 months from London to Australia on one BMW R 1150. They rode 56.000 kms
Purpose of travel: Holiday - the first of many international motorcycle adventures.
Route: We shipped the bike by sea from Australia (Melbourne) to Europe (Great Britain, London and travelled to the Isle of Man for the TT - through the UK - France - Spain - Germany - Austria - Czech Republic - Italy - Dalmatian Coast - Montenegro - Kosovo - Macedonia - Greece - Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan (late November 2003). We will cross into India the first week of December 2003 - Nepal - from Nepal we will ship the bike by air to Thailand and then travel overland to Singapore. (Our route will depend on time available) - by plane to Australia (Darwin, in northern Australia - we will ride home to Melbourne in the south of the country).
The best: Turkey
The worst: The drivers in Iran
Earlier motorcycle experiences: We have travelled extensively around Australia from East to West and North to South plus the island state of Tasmania.
Book or publication: Hopefully a book of our adventure will be published late in 2004
Useful tips for others: Don't talk about it - just do never know what might happen in the future to put off your plans. And remember - roads are for journeys not destinations.
20.06.2003 Patricia and Bernd met them in GB on the traveller-meeting from horizonsunlimited
30.11.2003 last update from Pakistan with information that they caught up with Heidi Gleitz and Bernd Kleine
28.09.2004 Invited us by email to stay with them in Melbourne.
28.09.2004 Answered and asked for update.
Their new book: Overland Europa > Asia > Australia
SHIRLEY-RIX and Brian Rix
"Two for the road" Aus $30.00. US $23.75. € 17.95 . English.
TR. 56671 km. 27 countries. One dream. Roads are for journeys, not destinations…In 2003 Melbourne couple Shirley Hardy-Rix and her husband Brian Rix fulfilled a lifelong ambition of motorcycling across the world. In an incredible 350-day journey, they would do everything they'd ever dreamed of as well as getting much more than they'd bargained for. Crossing 27 countries and covering 56,671 kilometres, they raced around the Isle of Man motorcycle circuit on Mad Sunday, survived Iran's traffic and travelled through Taliban strongholds under armed guard. Shirley and Brian's story is an epic account of the ups and downs of seeing the world on two wheels - from the frustrations of potholes and flat tyres, to the splendour of some of Europe and Asia's most awe-inspiring sights.
Full of terrific anecdotes, down-to-earth humour and practical advice, Two for the Road is a must for anyone who's ever imagined escaping the daily grind to experience the romance of the open road. 328 pp. 2 maps. 35 colour- pictures. Trade paperback: ?? cm wide x ?? cm high. Paperback.
Publisher: Pan Macmillan. Australia. 2005. ISBN 14050 3643 5.
02.02.2005 Note from B.T.: Bernd and Patricia met Shirley (the writer) and Brian (the motorcycle-rider of both) in Great Britain before the started in 2003. In october 2004 and january 2005 they were kindly our hosts in Australia / Melbourne. They were still full of their adventures. So we wish them a lot of success for the sale of the book.
Orders: Directly and handsigned from the author: In future from Bernd Tesch.
From a book-shop in Merlbourne:'
Reader's Feast Bookstore. Midtown Plaza. Cnr Bourke & Swanston Streets. Melbourne Vic Aust 3000. Phone 61 3 9662 4699. Fax 61 3 9663
28.07.2011 Asked for the best best foto of the two with bike on tour. And TWO PORTRAITS.
19.12.2012 Asked for the best best foto of the two with bike on tour. And TWO PORTRAITS.
13.03.2013 Last request for the best best foto of the two with bike on tour. And TWO PORTRAITS.

03.09.2003 - 13.05.2004
Helge Hahnfeld (German. Born 29.07.1963)
+ Germany > Asia > Australia. In 8 months I (called Helge der Fuchs) rode solo 40.000 km on the road with bike Honda CB 500 from Berlin to Australia. Germany (Berlin) to Australia (Darwin) 19.000 km. Around Australia 21.000 km.
Purpose of travel: To meet a friend in Melbourne.
Route: Europe (Germany (Berlin) - Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey) - Asien (Iran - Pakistan -India - Nepal (trekking in Nepal) - I and the bike flew Thailand (Bangkok) - Malaysia - by boat to Sumatra (Belawan) - and then I rode on the Indonesian Islands - East Timor (Dili) - bike by boat and I flew to Australia (Darwin - by bike to Alice Springs - Adelade -Melbourne - Tasmania - Sidney - Cairns - Broome - Perth). From Fremantle I send the bike by ship in a container to Germany for AUS $ 400. I flew back to Germany vie Moscow - Tokio - Berlin for € 730.
The best: No big trouble with the bike. I met many helpful people who show me the direction. Sometimes I could follow them, drink tea with policemen in Pakistan. In Australia I got many invitations into homes of people. I had a great feeling when I had arrived at the aeqator in Bujol near Bugguttingi in Sumatra on 24.12.2003.
The worst: I had 3 accidents in Subawa Besar and in Pakistan. But I am ok and the bike was easy to repair. The traffic in india is terrible. Trucks and busses come opposite on your site.
Earlier experiences: Not really. Never so long and far with a bike. Only shorter backpacker trips.
Usefull tips:
In Iran they accepted no credidcards. I could use my ec card in all other countries without Iran. Change money in Turkey on blackmarket. Petrol is very ceap in Iran: 6 cent per liter. But in the price is sometimes a very big different between petrol stations.
Usefull tips for transport in
28.08.2005 1st summary
28.08.2005 1st request for update.
22.-24.04.2005 Visitor of the 27th Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers.

07.09.2003 - 18.06.2005 (as long as they have money / time)
Heidi Gleitz (German, 20.11.1978) and Bernd Kleine (German, 31.07.1970)
+ Germany - Australia - NZ
. Heidi and Bernd rode overland to Australia and New Zealand with 2 KTM LC 4 Adventure. 21 Länder, 651 Tage und 79.213 km.
Their plan was to travel in South America as well.
Purpose of travel: free ! Ride on our world…See our World!!
Route: Europe (Germany - Austria - Hungaria - Rumania - Bulgaria - Turkey ) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India – Nepal - Bike by plane to - Thailand - Laos - Malaysia – Indonesia – Timor Leste) - Australia / NZ - Bike by plane to London – Great Britain – Scotland – Ireland – Great Britain – France - Germany.
Europe 6000 kms (Germany - Austria - Hungaria - Rumania - Bulgaria - Turkey ....) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India (16.500 km) - Nepal - Thailand - Laos - Malaysia - Indonesia) - Australia / NZ
The best: Friendship and the unbelievable hospitality of the poor people in the world. Feeling Free! Karakorum Highway ! Indonesia 's Island hopping! Guest friendly people everywhere!
The Worst: the f***** bus drivers in India ! And the bloody fly's in Down under!
Earlier Mc-Experiences: Europe, Northafrica, 2 months Australia (1997/98)
11.04.2003 Bernd has been visiter of the Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellesr 2001, 2002, 2003 and..2010
30.09.2003 1st information about the trip
14.03.2010 After 3 request from 2003-2006 I finally got this good overview
14.03.2010 Request for the best picture of both with the bike "on route" for this blog

30.09.2003 - 29.11.2003
Dagmar und Udo Fischer (Germans)
+ 6th ride in Australia ca. 9.000 kms (with BMW R 100 GS PD and 8.000 km with YAMAHA XT 600 E) in 60 days.
Route: Flight with Quantas from Frankfurt to Melbourne. Four nights in Shepparton + Melbourne - by plane to Alice Springs – Two Mile Camp at Finke River – Alice Springs – Tennant Creek – Mataranka – Katherine (Shopping) – Victoria River Crossing – Gregory National Park – Keep River National Park – Kunnunnurra – Fitzroy Crossing – Broome – Eighty Mile Beach – Port Hedland (only shopping) – Indee Station – Karijini National Park – Tom Price – Giralia Station – Cape Range National Park / Ningaloo Reef – Carnarvon – Shark Bay (Monkey Mia) – Kalbarri – Cervantes / Nambung National Park (Pinnacles) – Hilton (Fremantle) – Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park – Hilton
Bikes:The same as every year…
The best:The breathtaking gorges in Kalbarri NP and the Pinnacles. Amazing wild flowers. Hospitality of new friends Angela and Daniele in Hilton. All the wild animals around (dolphins, marsupials, birds and so on) except of….
Finding again a friend of a friend of a friend, who stores our bikes…. Meeting another man, an old German, who offered us also a place for the bikes for some months.
The worst:...the billions of flies. Sooooo bad they have never been. The singapore ants, who nearly ate the XT and the tent.
All the “adventure tour groups” with a few young and noisy people who would like to be an adventurer. Because of those organized 4wd tours they can reach all these quiet and silent places and turn them into a swimming pool or playground without any consideration for other people, nature or the animals which live there.
The extremely stressful time of holiday preparation which took at least three weeks of our time in Australia to recover from a little bit. Udo was sick for one week because of that, so we missed a few places we wanted to stay. More and more bureaucracy to keep and insure and store our motorbikes in Australia as a foreigner.
Flight-Info: in 2003 we had the cheapest flight so far: Per person Frankfurt > Melbourne and back 997 € plus tax + fees. In 2004 it will be more expensive: With Qantas to Perth and back ca.1230 including tax and fees. With Emirates 1020 € all including (Offers from Flugbörse von Freund Andreas).

05.12.2003 - 16.01.2004
Kerstin Doose (German, born 1961)
+ New Zealand. Six amazing weeks travelling solo on a rented XT225 about 7200km through this wonderful country. It was adventurous to explore the wide variedly landscape and to get in touch with the nature. Even in the form of plenty of rain or dancing on the volcanoes - as I got in closer contact with Kiwis the journey was going to get unique. Kiwis are lucky to have moto-cross-playgrounds right outside their front door - and I was lucky to smell a little of it.
Route: By plane (Korean Air, price 1200Euro) from Germany to NZ. North Island (Auckland - Russell - Coromandel Peninsula - Rotorua - Tongariro NP - Napier - Wellington - Nelson - St. Arnaud) - South Island (Westcoast - Milford Sound - The Catlins - Oamaru - Central Otago - Dunedin - Christchurch - Arthur´s Pass - Amberley) - North Island (Wellington/Levin - Taihape/Flaxmere - Coromandel Peninsula - Auckland). The best: meeting "crazy" Kiwis, 4 wheeled drive tracks.
The best: meeting "crazy" Kiwis.
The worst: too short time
Useful information for others:It´s quite easy to buy a bike in NZ, prices are a little lower than in Germany, registration and insurance is no problem and the AA (of NZ ???, website ?? kenne ich nicht, war auch nicht nötig, ist überall zu finden) a good helping hand. I also have had a good experience with the mc-rental company (name "NZ motorcycle rentals" , price for six weeks ca. 1200Euro incl. much service).
Book or publication
: no.
Earlier experience: See more in my site South America about; Dec. 2000 - Jan. 2001 South America

14.12.2003 - ??.07.2004
Sonni Herold (German, 28.06.1972) and Joerg Hoppe (German, 09.10.1965)
- Australia. Both plan 6-8 months again to travel in OZ with one HONDA AFRICA.
Purpose: Meet friends in Australia, see Birdsville, check out the Simpson Desert area for a later propper cross, biking in arid country, to have a lotta time
Route: The motorcycle will be send by airline "Cargolux" and we will fly with airline "Quantas". Christams and New Year with friends in Toowoomba - than - South down the east coast! Have no schedule and no route but make everything as it happens along the road... and: listen to a gig (=concert) of the trio-band John Butler!!
The best: So far - the singed note telling me - that I ll have 8 months off.
The worst: Australian Customs..
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Always have some DIRKO (=hitzebeständige Dichtmasse) on you ! Saved my ass a lotta times
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: (Sahara 1989 ca. 4000 km. Tunesia and Algeria 6 weeks. Ukraine ca. 3000 km. Westukraine 4 weeks. And most of Europe. Australia see 11.04.2001.
06.10.2003 1st contact
05.11.2003 4th request for update
B.T.: On their website you find a lot of good route-descriptions of routes.

2004: van Marle, Quentin & Dapne - A Pedalling Pom's Australian Odyssey
Australia - Cairns to Melbourne
2004. ISBN: 1904744249

01.01.2004 - 30.01.2004
Gerry Mayr (German, Konstanz , born ??? ) and /Abenteuer Australia
+ Around Australia. Gerry plan was to ride solo Around Australia = 18.000 kms in 50 days with a enduro 125 ccm Derbi. Gerry rode solo overland 12.450 kms from Sydney to Sydney with an enduo 125 ccm DERBI in only 18 days.
Purpose of travel: One of the reason is to ride a small bike over a long distance. To show, especially young people that everything is possible with a small bike and you don`t have to be a rich person to see our world.
Route: I and the bike flew to Sydney . By bike > Melbourne > along the coast, passing the 12 Apostels > via Nullabor in direction to Perth . After Perth I choose a gravel road up to Darwin (which one, some more details please???? > across the country to Townsville > down the east coast to Sydney.
The best: To dive in the great Barrier Reef with a turtle.
The worst:
To have an accident with a stupid kangaroo. Get hurt by flying my Advance paraglider.
Earlier experiences: 24.000 km along the Panamericana with a pick up truck 18.000 km across Africa with a 750ccm dirtbike built by myself 14.000 km around the east Mediterranian Sea  by a truck. 13.500 km around the Mediterranian Sea with a 250ccm KYMCO Scooter. 10.000 km with 150ccm KYMCO Quad over Russia to the northpole in Winter. I hope that my experience from other tripps help me to manage everything on my coming adventure Singapore > Germany with a Wunderlich- BMW.
Tipp : Don`t sleep go for it- live your dreams
28.10.2003 1st information
01.11.2003 1st request for update.15.11.2005 1st summary
02.12.2005 2nd request.

Spring 2004 - ??.??.2005
Conny Eriksson (Swedish, 14 th.10 1967) website under construction..
Sweden - Asia - Australia. Conny plans to ride solo with a XR HONDA R (1987) from Sweden overland to Australia for more than one year.
Purpose of travel: A boy dream Fun. Meeting new friends. Love motorcycles and adventure
Route: Europe (Sweden - Poland - Eastern states to Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India (Calcutta) - by plane to Thailand (Bangkok) - Laos - Cambodja - Vietnam - back to Thailand - Singapore - Indonesia - by plane to Australia (And around Australia). Then the same way back to Sweden.
If my economy is okay I will ship my bike to Alaska or Los Angeles and try to cross South America and over to Africa. Up to Turkey and back to Sweden
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship.. to be on the road for over 1 year. Fun to rebuild my old honda xr600r-1987 to better shape than a new bike..
The worst: Afraid for economic..
Book or publication: Maybe write a travel guide or a techical advice for motorcycel people..
Useful informations and TIPS for others: .... just take this first step it is the beginning of rest of your life..
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:... non.. but has allways had and drove motorcycle since as was young.
03.01.2004 1st contact
03.01.2004 3rd request for update
04.03.2007 4th request


 Fotos (C) Andreas Hülsmann.  (3): fuel dump is 900m from Well 23. (4): Great evening.

Le>Ri: Jörg Becker. Andreas Hülsmann.

13.06. - 26.08.2004
Jörg Becker (German, *15.05.1969 +10.05.2009) and Andreas Hülsmann (German, born 02.06.1961)
+ Australia, Canning Stock Route. Andreas (BMW F 650 with TT 39 (fuel-tank) = Touratech compl. Changed with a TT39 (fuel tank) from Touratech) and Jörg (own BMW F 650 GS with TT39 = Touratech 39 Liter Tank and complet Kit) rode in total ca. 10.000 kms in Australia. The most difficult part was the Canning Stock Route (CSR) with ca. 2000 km. Her they used Satelitetracking.
Info (by Andreas 17.12.2013): If you ride on the "Canning Stock Route" from von Wiluna to Halls creek it is ca. 1870 kms. Including visting the water holes (which are not directly besides the CST) rwith water-holes nearly 2000 kms. From Wiluna to Biluna it is ca. 1570 kms.
Andreas and Jörg started each with 60 liters of fuel (a 39 l fuel tank. And two ca.11 liters plastic containers). They ordered a 200 liter fuel-container (you could only order thsi not less at this time) at well 24, fuel dump. 300 km north Ccunnavara G (an Aborigines Community they filled up their fuel-tank as well). - On the whole trip of 2000 kms they have eaten müsli (Riegel). But in Cunnavara G. they ate what they were offered. And - because ther were other cars on the way in both directions they offered the motorcycle-ridesr something to eat as well.
Purpose of travel:
Andreas: just for fun.
Purpose of travel Jörg:
Erste Europäer auf Motorrädern ohne Begleitfahrzeug über die Canning Stock doch schon was.
Die Wüste, egal welche begeistert mich immer wieder und in Australien war ich zuvor auch noch nicht..
Route: Two bikes were shipped with shipping-line MBS SeaCargo, Cologne for 750 € (to Autralia). Back to Germany with Schenker Melbourne - Niedereschach for 900 Euro each bike. Andreas and Jörg flew with airline Malysian Airline for € 850 (both flihgts) from Frankfurt to Perth . Both rode by bikes together Perth > Kalgoorlie > Wiluna > Canning Stock Route > Halls Creek > Kununurra > Kathrine > Alice Springs > Ayers Rock > Odnadatta Track > Adelaide > Melbourne . Both flew back from Melbourne to Frankfurt . The bikes were shipped back from Melbourne to Niedereschach (Touratech Headquarter).
Highlights Andreas: pure Nature
Highlights Jörg:
Die Vielfalt der Landschaft und Natur. Lebensart der Australier. War für mich eine wichtige schöne Erfahrung (extreme Hilfsbereitschaft, Gastfreundschaft).
The worst
Andreas: Nothing to eat: on the Canning Stock Route. We where short on food the whole time. The daily daily ration to eat was: a cup of muesli (breakfast), two muesli bars (during the day), a package "two minutes noodles (for dinner)" thats all. On the hole 2.000 km, is only one possibility to buy food. Knee injury: a couple of accident during the trip. The leg was cought under the big and twistet.
The worst
Jörg: Zu wenig Zeit um alles genau anzusehen.
Earlier experiences
Andreas: June - August 1988: Solo North of Europe: Sweden , Finnland , Norway , Iceland , Yamaha. XT 600 Tenere, 10.000 km April 1993 - April 1994: Australia / New Zealand . Andreas with Yamaha XT 600 Tenere. Petra Lange with XT 600 Tenere. 40.000 km. May - October 1995: Solo Australia with a Toyota Landcruiser, 25.000 km. Juni - Juli 1996: North Amerika (USA / Canada). Suzuki DR 650, 9.000 km. Jo Deleker with Honda Dominator October 1997  - April 1998: South Amerika - Yamaha XT 600 Tenere, 25.000 km. Birgit Pütz with BMW GS 80. Jo Deleker with Honda Dominator. January - February 2001: Oman and UA Emirates. Andreas with Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin. 8.000 km. Silke Marten with Suzuki DR 350. July - August 2002: Russia , Baltic States and Poland . Andreas with  Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin. 12.000 km. Ludwig Hauhoff with Africa Twin. Gerd Brüning with BMW GS 80. July - August 2004: Australia Canning Stock Route (2.000). Andreas with BMW F 650, Touratechumbau. 10.000 km. Jörg Becker with BMW F 650. Planned tour start may 2006: Course East, 5 Month 15 Countries, 25.000 Kilometres. Central Asia and Siberia . More see: Routes in continents: Europe: all countries, without Spain and Greece , 300.000 km. Southamerika: Argentina , Chile , Brasil , Uruguay , 25.000 km. Australia : Perth , Broome, Darwin , Alice Springs Adelaide, Melbourne , Sydney , km 36.000.
Earlier experiences
Jörg: 1990: Skandinavien, Süd Lappland mit Yamaha XT500 1991: Skandinavien, Nord Lappland mit Yamaha XJ900 1992: Canada/Alaska mit Campmobil (war grauhenhaft in der Karre) 1993: Ungarn-Rumänien-Bulgarien-Griechenland-Italien-Deutschland mit Yamaha XT600 1994: Skandinavien bis Russische Grenze/ Inarie See / Nordkap /. mit Yamaha XTz750 1995: Tunesien / Libyen mit Yamaha XT600 Tunesien als Tramper 1996: Nordamerika (ca. 33000 km in 4 ½ Monaten Kalifornien, LA > Alaska und vieles drumrum, halte die gesamte Westküste mit vielen Inlandanteilen, das meißte solo, einen Teil mit Sozia (damals Sandra Weißhuhn) alles auf (der selben) Yamaha XT600 (wie auch schon die anderen Reisen Ägypten als Taucher + Kulturreise. 1997: Canada, Vancouver Island und die Gegend zwischen Seattle und Vancouver Ägypten als Taucher 1998: Tschechien, Slowenien, Rumänien, Ungarn, Deutschland mit Yamaha XT600 ( Sandra Weißhuhn mit Suzuki DR350 S). Ägypten als Taucher 1999/2000: Südamerika. 20.000 km Argentinien, Chile, Peru, Bolivien, Chile auf Yamaha XT600, (Sandra Weißhuhn mit Suzuki DR350 SE) 2001: Schwarzmeer fast Umrundung, Italien, Türkei, Georgien, Russland, Ukraine, Polen, Slowakei, Tschechei, Deutschland auf Yamaha XT600 2003: Schweden / Norwegen mit Honda Africa Twin 750 2004: Australien. 2005: USA / Canada 10.000 km in 5 Wochen mit BMW G/S 650 Eigenbau vom Tommy Ryser aus Blaine / WA USA. Und zwischen durch war ich immer wieder (meist mit Sandra) auf diversen Inseln. Von den meisten Reisen gab es einen Bericht in einer dieser Zeitschriften: Enduro, Motorrad Kontakte, Tourenfahrer, Motorrad News, Motorrad-Reisen-Sport, Enduro Abenteuer.
>>>Mit der Aussage oben kann man nichst anfangen. Entweder Du gibt genau die Publiktaionen jeweils bei der Reise an, oder Du läßt diese ungenaue Aussage ganz weg.,
Ach ja mit einer Ente 2CV bin ich mal bis Portugal, das war auch Klasse.
>>bitte genauere Angaben zum Jahr / Reisedauer / km oder weglassen
Hints for other traveller Andreas:
Don´t dream it, do it. (Das Leben ist zu kurz, um Träume zu verschieben)
Hints for other traveller Jörg:
Versuche nicht zu Leben um zu arbeiten, arbeite um zu leben und dir deine Träume zu erfüllen. Make friendship - not bullshit
Book publication Andreas
: Four books (Spurensuche, Schottland Reiseführer, Auszeit, Sauerland Reiseführer), nearly 100 publications in different motorcycle magazins.
Book publication Jörg : Spurensuche ist mein erstes Buch (also meine erste Hälfte an einem Buch).
30.08.2004 1st request for update after the tour
21.12.2005 Last update

Dr. Lutz Fehling

Zur Canning Stock Route schrieb mir Dr. Lutz Fehling (DZG) dieses in 2014:

- 2000 km unverbesserte Allrad-Spuren
 - über 1000 rote Sanddünen bis 20m hoch
 - sehr abwechslungsreiche Landschaft
 - unendlicher südlicher Sternenhimmel ohne Lichtverschmutzung
 - keine Internet- oder Handyverbindung (SatPhone für Notfälle), auch keine Nachrichten
 - keinerlei Restriktionen bezüglich Übernachtung
 - allabendliches Lagerfeuer mit genügend Brennholz
 - unzählige Buschtoiletten (mit Spaten)
 - keine räuberischen Gefahren

 - Canning Stock Route (CSR): Wurde 1908-10 im Regierungsauftrag von Alfred Canning und seinen 30 Mannen als Viehtriebroute mit 50 Brunnen angelegt. Bis 1959 wurden dann Rinderherden aus dem Norden in die Verbrauchergebiete im Süden getrieben. Sie führt von Wiluna im Süden (800 km nördlich von Perth) nach Halls Creek in den Kimberleys. Diese Route war allerdings mehrere Kilometer breit, es gab also keinen verbindenden Pfad. Erst 1968 verbanden Allrad-Fans die einzelnen Brunnen (einige sind heute reaktiviert) mit einem Track, der heute von etwa 2000 Fahrzeugen pro Jahr benutzt wird. Die Strecke ist seit kurzem sogar im normalen Navie drin. Sie ist meist sandig, zum Teil aber auch sehr steinig und mörderisches Wellblech, eine Herausfordrung für das Material.- Die Hauptreisezeit ist der australische Winter, also Mai bis Oktober, der Sommer ist mit bis zu 50 Grad zu heiß. Die Übergangsmonate Mai und September sind ideal: Tagsüber sind es um 25 Grad, nachts 10 Grad, sodaß wir immer noch genüßlich bis 23 Uhr am Lagerfeuer sitzen konnten. Die eigentlichen Wintermonate kennen 60 Frosttage!

 - Reiseablauf: Der deutschstämmige Otto organisiert Konvois ( und dies war seine 64. Tour! Ich fuhr in seinem Führungsfahrzeug mit und schlief im Zelt. Wir fuhren täglich um die acht Stunden und schafften so etwa 150 km. Bei der einzigen Aborigines-Siedlung auf der Strecke gibt es eine Tankstelle 1100 km von Wiluna aus. Otto hatte aber vorsorglich ein Dieselfaß (200 l) deponieren lassen. Für die CSR am besten bewährt hat sich der Toyota-Troopcarrier, der zudem serienmäßig mit zwei 90-Liter-Tanks ausgerüstet ist. - Auch die gesamte Verpflegung wird natürlich vorher besorgt.

03.10.2004 - 02.04.2005
Hannes Wienands (German, 29.11.1957)
Australia. Hannes rode 50.000km alone through Australia on a BMW R 1150 GS in 6 months.
Purpose of travel: Freedom, Liberty and without work a long travel...
Route: Sydney - Cairns. With BMW Club of Brisbane to BMW Bikermeeting of Australia with ferrie from Melbourne to Tasmania - by motorcycle over Nullarbour to Perth - Broome - Alice Springs - Brisbane - by aeroplane to isalnd New Caledonia 1200 kms - by motorcycle to Grampians - Coonabarabran - Sydney
Highlights: Tasmanien, Ayers Rock, New Caledonia, Sydney
The Worst : Fuel pump defect (Call to Sydney , they send a new one ). After 4 months kidney stones ( CT in hospital, medical and a lot of water: I loose my stones, Insurance of ADAC payed) 
Report of Journey : Send an Email via Bernd Tesch.
Useful Information: No risk, many fun, nice people, bike with flight to Australia (Thomas Bergmeier, 3000 Euro ), you must drink a lot .....
Earlier tours with motorcycle : Ukraina, New Zealand, South Africa ( Namibia, Simbabwe, Botwana, South Africa ), all over Europe, North Kap and so on....
2005 We met by accident in Australia
16.04.2006 1st summary
17.04.2006 Last summary

2004-2005 Patricia Govers and Bernd Tesch toured second time in Australia. Now Darwin > Melbourne. - This creation was made from our travel-friend "Teddy" McCrea. It was lost but "Teddy" send this new to B.T. in 19.03.2016.

2004-2005 Patricia Govers and Bernd Tesch Now Darwin > Melbourne. - This foto was made from our travel-friend "Teddy" McCrea. First time send to B.T. in 19.03.2016.

2004-2005 Patricia Govers and Bernd Tesch: Darwin > Melbourne. - This foto was made from our travel-friend "Teddy" McCrea. First time send to B.T. in 21.03.2016.

20.10.2004 - 21.01.2005
Govers-Tesch (Dutch, born 28.06.1956) and Bernd Tesch (German, born 20.08.1941)
+ Tesch-Tour "Australia North-West-South". Patricia and Bernd rode 12.500 km with two by BMW-Australia ( sponsored BMW R 1150 GS Adventure
Purpose of travel: Patricia and Bernd toured already in 25th.10.1999 - 26th.01.2000 "A Round in Australia and Tasmania": South (Melbourne) > east-coast up to Cairns > west > center down via Alice Springs > Melbourne >Tasmania > Melbourne. About 14.000 kms somehow with two sponsored YAMAHA XT 600 E from BIKE TOURS AUSTRALIA( ). In 2004/05 we wanted to see the north, west and more of the south part of Australia and to finish our "Circle Around Australia". Finding and visiting famous historical motorcycle-travellers
It was time again that Patricia and Bernd travelled a bit. Already in 1999-2000 we made very good experiences with Emirates Airline ( and flew with them again. In 2004/2005 we rode the other side of Australia : Darwin in the north > West-Australia > Broome > Perth > Albany > east via plain Nullabor > southern coast > Adelaide - Melbourne.
Our long tour was a mixture: Roaring up the hill and discovering, what was coming behind the next curve or bush. Outdoor-living with cangeroos and snakes. Looking at different landscapes. Visiting Australians and meeting travellers. And loving the freedom with the wind around the nose with two of those technical wonders of two BMW R 1150 GS Adventures by BMW Motorcycle Australia. After this tour I finally will write about "100 years of discovering Australia by Motorcycle-TRAVELLERs".
Do you know other addresses / publications of "Historical Motorcycle-Travellers in Australia" ?
Can you add to this topic an overview about your tour ?? BEST pictures of your tour ?
Route: Darwin > Broome > Perth > Augusta > Esperance > Balladonia Track > Nullabor > Eyre Peninsula > Adelaide > Great Ocean Road > Melbourne > "Tesch´s second Australian Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers" in Rubicon Valley > Melbourne > back with Emirates Airline again via V.E.A. (Dubai) - Germany (Düsseldorf).
The best: The trip was a collection of highlights. Especially as well finding and visiting famous historical motorcycle-travellers. The wonderful attitude of Australians to us.
The worst: Patti wanted to travel by herself from Adelaide to Melbourne. Both trips were much more expensive than planned..
Book or publication: In "World of Bike´s year atlas / catalogue 2005": An overview about the Australian trip. 23.04.2005: On the 27th Motorcycle-Meeting for WORLD-Travellers 22.-24.04.205 a slides-show. Brochure / boocklet about "100 years discovering Australia by Motorcycle".
Useful informations and TIPS for others: You don´t have to be prepared for "normal" Australian mc-trips so much as for an "Africa-Tour". But to prepare helps a lot to save money and find out the best times / places for your route. Australia is 21 times bigger than Germany and has only 20 million inhabitans!!
Earlier Experiences of Motorcycle-Tours: B.T. started to ride a bike in 1961. All continents without South-America.

15th.-16th.january 2005 "The 2nd Australian Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers"

was organised in Rubicon Valley / Australia. This is a bout 150 km north of Melbourne. A very small village. The idea came from Bernd T. The top-organisation women Heather Ellis in Melbourne helped a lot. "The first Austrailian Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers" was..

Foto und (C) Jo Deleker
: "Über den Wolken muss das Motorradfahren grenzenlos sein.."
Anmerkung von Bernd Tesch 26.08.2005: Bei 47 veranstalteten Globetrotter-Treffen bisher mit ca. 170 Dia-Vorträgen , war dieses "MEIN FOTO".

15.01.2005 -18.04.2005
Birgit Pütz (German, born 1961) with Jo Deleker (German, born 1959)
+ Around New Zeland.
Jo rode 14.000 kms in 3 months around both islands of New Zealand with own motorcycle YAMAHA XT 660 R. Birgit rode 4 weeks with him with a borrowed BMW F 650 Dakar ?? kms.
Purpose of travel: Discoverin NZ. Vacation. An order to wroite a publication about it.
The best: Wanderungen im Tongariro NP, Kajaktour im Abel Tasman NP, die Westküste der Südinsel (zumindest stellenweise), die Steppenlandschaft in Central Otago, die großen Seen Pukaki und Tekapo mit mit Southern Alps als Hintergrund, Regen in einer neuen Dimension am Milford Sound, die vielen Cafés mit lecker Kuchen und bestem Cappuccino
The worst: ??
Book or publication
: Article in MOTORRAD ???
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Lufttransport der Yamaha nach/von Auckland für etwa 2200 Euro. Äußerst nette und offene Menschen, beeindruckende Landschaften vor allem auf der Südinsel. Erschreckend aber auch, wie wenige Menschen in so kurzer Zeit ein so kleines Land so zerstört haben. Will sagen: Der größte Teil des Landes ist kultiviert, Wiesen, Felder, alles eingezäunt, Baumplantagen, Langeweile. Nur in den Schutzgebieten gibt es noch diese grandiose unberührte Natur. Das Reisen ist sehr einfach, perfekte Infrastruktur, kaum anders als in Kanada oder Irland. Ein prima Land zum "Urlaub machen."
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:... A lot. Search for Deleker in my website.
Following motorcycle tours: Morgen früh fahre ich mit dem Moped in die frz. Alpen (Story produzieren), Mitte Sept. nach Stromboli (Vulkan gucken und mehr), Weihnachten in die Antarktis (mit WeZwi), danach Patagonien (mit Birgit und Kerstin)
02.10.2004 1st information
02.10.2004 1st request for update, No answer.
28.01.2005 Tried to tel. to Birgit and Jo and spoke on the answering-machine
03.01.2005 2nd request for update
07.01.2004 3rd request for more update
24.08.2004 4th request.
26.08.2005 5th request for update
05.03.2007 6th request for update.

03.04.2005 - ??.01.2007 (plan was plus 1 year)
Linda Bick (born Bootherstone, British, born 21.11.1945)
+ Europe - Asia - Australia. Linda planned to travel solo overland with a SUZUKI DR 650 (of 1996. Start 11.500 km). She made it and arrived 21 months later in Australia.
Purpose: To make another mc-trip and to investigate her pension in Austrailia. Linda has been working in Australia 1969-1989.
Route: Europe (Spain ( Castelar de la Fronteira (Spain)) - France - Germany - NL - B - D - Tchech. Rep. - Hungary - Serbia - Bulgaria - Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India - Malaysia - Thailand - Indonesia) - Australia.
The best: ??
The worst: ??
Useful tips for others: ??
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Search in ths website with her name: 1971 in Australia.
27.08.2003 1st information
05.05.2005 Linda has been our guest. Since then she sends news by email.l
21.01.2006 Linda send my a new address of an Indian who crossed overland GB > India in 1961. But this man nevert answered.
15.07.2011 Linda is now resident in South-Australia. Asked for update.
26.03.2013 Asked for update and the three best fotos in high quality

08.04.2005 - 22.08.2006
Erika Tunick (American, birthday 08.11.61) and David McMillan (American, birthday 07.04.1969)
+ France - Australia. Dave and Erika rode two-up from Paris, France to Sydney, Australia with one 1989 Honda Transalp 50.000 kms.
Purpose of your travel: Fulfilling a dream, learning a bit more about the world and ourselves and of course, having fun.
Route : Europe (France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) - Asia (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia) - Australia.
Info: We entered China by hiring a travel agency (Caravan Cafe, to provide us with the necessary documents and the mandatory guide.
We got into China the "legal" way with the Chinese licence and registration and the mandatory guide using a travel agency based in Kashgar, Caravan Cafe.  The cost was approx $1100 USD.  As you know its virtually impossible to get in independently.  If you use a Chinese travel agency, its very easy, but expensive.
Highlights : Way to many to list, but some of our favorites were France, Turkey, Pakistan, Nepal, Laos, Indonesia, Australia.  The hospitality in Pakistan and Turkey was incredible! The worst: The food in Central Asia and having stomach problems.  Hitting a cow and breaking my collarbone in Laos was tough too, although hanging out in Bangkok recovering made it bearable.
Book or publication: Nothing yet, but stay tuned.
Useful informations and TIPS for others: If you are interested in making a big trip, don't put it off, the time to do it in your life is now.  Set a firm date and go, you won't regret it! Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: ...Previous trips include a dirt bike tour of Cambodia, San Francisco to Baja and San Francisco to Western Canada and the Western USA.
19.10.2006 1st summary
20.10.2006 last update.

Nataly Sörries (German, born ??) and Claus Holtmann (German, born ??)
+ East coast: Melbourne > Cape Trubulation. Nataly and Claus rode together ?? km on one YAMAHA XT 600 E ?? kms.
Purpose of travel: ??
Leihmaschine Yamaha XT 600 von Kurt Weidner, Australien
Route: Flug Frankfurt - Singapur - Sydney mit Singapur Airlines super:
11.-12.7. Sydney zu Fuß und per Bus / Fähre, Noah´s Backpacker am Bondi Beach 13.7. Flug Sydney-Melbourne, dort von Carconnection Hartmut abgeholt, im malerischen Westernstädtchen Castlemaine (ca. 100 km von Melbourne) übernachtet. 14.7. los über Melbourne nach Koo Wee Rup (Richtung Sydney) - 204 km 15.7. Philip Island - Cape Paterson - Leongatha - Hazelwood Village/Churchill - 206 km 16.7. Morwell NP (Känguruhs, Koalas, Papageien) - Sale - Bairnsdale - Metung - Lakes Entrance (Pelikane) - 225 km 17.7. Orbost - Cape Conran - Cann River (Thurrariver Camp - ganz einfach und einsam direkt am Meer, Lagerfeuer, Opossum). 18.7. Gipsy Point - Eden (Killer whale museum) - Pambula (Big4-Camping, unzählige Känguruhs auf dem Platz- genial!)199 km. 19.7. Merimbula - Tathra - Bergamui - Narooma - Moruya (nettes Internet-Café) - Braidwood - Goulbourn (Stadt mit Aldi! - lecker Thai essen) 352 km 20.7. Oberon - Blue Mountains - Blackheath - (Perrys Lookout, Anvins Rock Falls, Govetts Leap) - Katoomba (Three sisters, Echo Point) - Mt. Victoria (uriges Hotel Imperial - Pub, Kamin) 307 km 21.7. Vereiste Straße -Bilpin - Kurrogong - Colo Heights - Putty - Singleton - Gresford - Dungog - Bulahdelah - Myall Lake - Bungwahl - Pacific Palms - Lake Smith - Paradise Drive - 418 km. 22.7. Booti Booti NP, Beach Elisabeth (Delphine, Pelikane) - Forster - Taree - Port Macquarie (schwarze Schwäne) - Kempsey - Coffs Harbour (Big Banana) - Minnie Water - Yuraygir NP - 441 km 23.7. Ulmara (Adler) - Ballina - Byron Bay - Chillingham (super Gegend, total grün und schön, kleine Sträßchen / Natural Bridge / Regenwald) - Nerang - Brisbane - Redcliffe - 442 km. 24.7. Glass House Mountains (Rodeo) - Beerburrum - Beerwah - Landsborough - Noosa Head - Great Sandy NP (Pelikane, absolutes Highlight: ca. 60 km Strandstraße) - Rainbow Beach245 km 25.7. Fraser Island (super, 75mile beach, beautiful Lake McKenzie), Tagestour mit Fähre und Allrad-Bus 26.7. Maryborough - Childers - Bundaberg (Paranüsse frisch vom Baum) - Miriam Vale - Rockhampton - Capricorn caves Camp - 537 km 27.7. Marlborough - Clairview - Mackay - Airlie Beach (turistisch) - 482 km 28.7. Whitsunday Islands: Hooh Island - Whiteheaven Beach, Tagestour mit Reefjet (Boot), wandern, schnorcheln, tauchen. 29.7.Bowen - Ayr - Townsville - Ingham - Innisfail - Cairns - 646 km 30.7. Cairns - Port Douglas - Cape Tribulation 31.7. Cooktown - Mossman - Cairns (von hier wurde Mopped zurückgeholt). Abflug Sydney / Deutschland Mopped: super, kein einziges Problem
Absolute Highlights : Landschaft, vor allem Great Sandy NP bei Noosa - Rainbow Beach (generell toll: Weite, grün, Regenwald), die tollen Tiere, nette Aussies, jeden Tag Highlights
Nicht so toll : sehr kalt (australischer Winter) - noch nie so gefroren auf ´m Bock (gut: Motels mit Heizdecke), Aussie-Essen ziemlich öde (Pommes, Sandwiches)
2005 1st infrmarion
12.04.2006 1st summary
14.04.2006 1st request for update


WHO is the guy? Please send me his name and E-mail!

This 2006 ride is a start
2013.12.15 First information by Canning Stock Route solo-Walker Gaynor Schoeman
Gaynor Schoeman
I am still looking to confirm the first solo MC rider. And we are still waiting for the MC rider who does it completely unsupported i.e. no resupply.  It appears that this has not happened yet.

Gronau-Morrison, Lycetta and Michael - Wheels of Adventure: 20,000 miles from Europe to Australia by Bicycle
2007. ISBN: 978-0955762703

05.01.2007 - 05.05.2007
Katja Janssen (German, birthday 07.02.1973) and Arndt (German, birthday 04.07.1971)
- Australien.  
Arndt & Katja planen für 4 Monate durch Australien zu fahren. Die Route steht noch nicht fest.  Arndt wird mit der BMW R 1150 GS Adventure fahren und Katja die BMW R 1200 GS.
Purpose of your travel: Natürlich Spaß, aber auch die Natur, das Land mit seinen verschiedenen "Gesichtern" und die Menschen kennenzulernen. Abenteuer, weg vom Pauschaltourismus, spontane Stops und Aufenthalte an schönen Orten. Interessant wird es sicher auch an die eigenen Grenzen zu stoßen. Außerdem ist es für Katja sehr wichtig Fahrpraxis zu bekommen, da der FS dann noch ganz frisch sein wird :-)
Route :  in Planung- hoffe auf baldigen Termin bei Bernd (Tesch)
Highlights : die Freiheit zu spüren und genießen, Motorradfahren, das Land kennenlernen, Interessante Menschen treffen
The worst:
 4 Monate Dauerregen, schwerer Sturz
Book or publication
(about your tour): .......
Useful / important informations and TIPS for others:
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:
19.05.2006 1st summary
04.03.2007 Aksked for update.

??.??.2007 Abfahrt Sommer-Herbst 2007 - ??.??.2008
Jens Gloede (German, birthday 06.02.1987)
- Germany - Austrailia. Jens plans solo ?? overland to Australia with Honda XRV 750.
Purpose of your travel: See the world and interesting people.
Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Ukraine - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - Afganistan - India - Nepal - Bangladech - Singapore - Indonesia - East Timor and FINALY AUSTRALIA. In Australia I will ride to Darwin, Sydney, Perth. 2008 I will come back by plane and ride in New-Zeeland. After this shiping my bike to Vladiwostok and ride back to Germany.
Highlights: I want to see the world. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of Bike people.
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi ???. Attack of soldiers with weapons in ......
Book or publication (about your tour): .......??
Useful / important informations and TIPS for others: ...??.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: In 2006 I rode to Wladiwostok and back in 6 weeks and 30.000 km. Now I won´t to travel more far.......
27.11.2006 1st summary
26.02.2007 1st request for update

01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008
Doreen Dähnhardt (German, birthday 22.10.1971)  and Nick Dähnhardt (German, birthday 22.07.1973)
- Germany - Austrailia. Doreen and Nick (both on KTM LC 4 Adventure) plan to ride solo from Innsbruck/Austria to Australia .
Purpose of your travel: cause there is the possibility
Route (planed) : Europe ( Austria - Italy - Greece - Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal - Tibet by treckking - Thailand - Cambodia - Malaysia - Singapore) - by boat / plane to Australia.
Highlights : few sights, trekking Himalaya, diving or skydiving somewhere
The worst: -
Book or publication: -
Useful informations and TIPS for others: -
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: No
03.03.2007 1st summary
10.03.2007 Both came for recommendation to B.T.
23.09.2007 Nick and Doreen visited us for friendship to say "good bye". They were one of the first to hear that Bernd and Patricia Govers-Tesch start about 01st.10.2007 by one BMW R 80 G/S overland possibly to Iran (Tehran).
26.12.2008 1st request for update

15.10.2007 - + ca. 1 year
Barbara Kaltz ( German, 04.04.1966 ) and Michael Narozny ( American, in Germany since 1976 years, birthday 18 . 10 .19 64)
- Germany - Australia
. Barbara (HONDA DOMINATOR 650) and Michael (African Twin RD 07) plan to ride overland to Australia in 1 year. Barbara will be first five weeks "on the road" until Turkey.
Purpose of your travel: For health reasons because infected by travel virus !
Route : Europe (Germany - Austria - Slowenia - Croatia - Albania - Greek - Turkey) - A sia ( Syria -Jordan ) - Africa (Egypt - Sudan - Ehtiopia - Djibouti) - Asia (Jemen - Oman) - by boat to India - Sri Lanka - India -Nepal - by plane to Laos - Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia - Thailand - Malaysia - by boat to Indonesia - Timor - by boat to Australia - NZ.
Highlights: plan a foto with bald head and a monk cowl in front of a Buddah-tempel..
The worst:   ?
Book or publication (about your tour):
Useful / important informations and TIPS for others: .... Small alu-boxes . Drink a lot of beer in bars "on route" to meet interesting people.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: 02.02.2004 - 20.05.2005 in Africa with a HONDA AFRICA Twin RD 07
22.07.2007 1 st summary while a personal visit at Bernd Tesch
Request a similar blog for the African tour
10.08.2007  2nd summary

??.??.2007 - ??.??.2007
Thomas Nemeth (born ??.??.19??. Luxembourg )
+ New Zealand. Thomas rode solo in 6 weeks with a ??? 8.000 km through New Zealand 's south and north island
Purpose : ??
Highlights : Meeting Rosco Pennell and his friends (Who are this ?????) on the ferry from the north island to the south island with whom I ended up doing the South America trip in 2008. What was the best on the islands for you ????
The worst: The sandflies on the South Island.
Useful tips for others : ?? Costs ? How did you transport the bike ? The person ?? Both ways ? Costs for this ??
Earlier experiences : ??
12.04.2009 1st summary
12.04.2009 1st request for update
17.-19.04.2009 Patricipant of the 51th. Tesch-Travel-Treffen in 2009

04.06.2008 - Open end
Walter Gubler "Gubi" (Swiss, born ??.07.1967)
- Switzerland - Australia - NZ. Gubi plant solo mit einer Yamaha XTZ 750 Super Tenere. Von der Schweiz aus durch Asien nach Australien, Neuseeland.
Zweck der Reise : Spass, Fremde Länder und Kulturen kennenlernen und erleben. Open your mind.
Route : Europa (Schweiz - Deutschland - Tschechien - Slowakei - Ukraine - Russland) - Asien (Sibirien - Mongolei - Kasachstan -Kirgisien - Tschadsichistan - Usbekistan - Iran - Pakistan - Indien - Nepal - per Flugzeug nach Thailand - Laos - Vietnam - Malaysia).
In Phuket werd ich ca. 5 Monate bleiben und als Tauchlehrer arbeiten können.
In Malaysia werde ich mein Motorrad verschiffen Richtung Australien und werde als Backpacker durch Indonesien reisen.  In Australien und Neuseeland bin ich schon an diversen Orten eingeladen. In "Down Under" wird geschaut, was noch in der Reisekasse ist, wie es mir gesundheitlich geht und ob die Motivation zum Weiterreisen noch da ist. Stimmen diese Faktoren werde ich weiterreisen nach Südamerika und auch diesen Kontinent unter die Räder nehmen.
Highlights: Reisen, Menschen kennenlernen, Länder erfahren und die Religionen besser verstehen.
The worst: ??
Useful tips for others: ??
21.02.2008 1st summary
25.-27.04.2008 Walter besucht das 50. Tesch-Globetrotter-Treffen.
20.03.2009 1st request for update
Kilometerstand bei der Abfahrt auf meiner "Dicken" = 80'513 km
Kilometerstand in Moron Mongolei = 95'754 km
Kilometerstand in Amritsar, Indien = 109'902 km
Kilometerstand in Udaipur, Indien = 111'437 km
Kilometerstand in Kathmandu, Nepal = 117'623 km
KILOMETERSTAND IN Phuket, Thailand = 118'840 km,

Alfred Wittelings (NL) und Alwin (NL)

- Plan NL > Australia. Alfred (YAMAHA XT 600 E) and Alwin (XT 600 E) plan to ride overland in 4 months to Perth.
19.02.2008 1st request for summary.
20.04.2008 2nd request for summary.
16.05.2005 Both were here for three days. Bernd build two indivual racks in more than 27 hours.
21.05.2008 3rd request for summary. No answer so far.
21.11.2008 4th and last request.

(Plan was 01.03.2009) Start: 20.03.2009 - 30.06.2009
Simon Soussouridis (German, born ??? in 2009 ca. 40 years)

- Plan: Europe > Australia. Simon plans to ride solo overland with a BMW R 100 GS to Australia in 4 months.
Purpose of my travel: I did work 20 years very hard and needed to treat myself and learn more about the world.
Planned Route: Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey) - Asia (Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Kambodia, Thailand, Kuala Lumphur, Singapore) - by plane or ship ?? to Australia.
Highlights: ??
The worst: ??
Useful tips for others: ??
20.11.2008 Simon was here for recommendation.
21.11.2008 First request for summary
08.12.2008 Second request summary.
17.03.2009 Third request
20.03.2009 Second short more summary 20 minutes before he started his trip.

01.05.2010 - 01.05.2011
Frank Giesa (German, birthday 29.12.1965) with Günter..?? (German, Born ???)
- Plan Europe-Asia-Australia-Europe. Policeman Frank plans to ride with his friend Günter on 2 Africa Twins all over Asia, may be Australia for one year, 40-50.000 km. He will take off a year at work.
he actually bikes are Aprilia Caponord and Honda Africa Twin. Frank is the President of chapter Germany1 from the "International Police Motorbike Club Blue Knights". Therefore he has a of lot of international contacts.
Purpose of your travel: Meeting friends, adventure and still living.
Route (of the coming route): Europe (....????) - Asia (Russia till Vladivostok, Mongolia, China, Thailand may be Indonesia) and Australia back to Asia (India - Pakistan - Iran) - Europe (Turkey - Greece .....Germany).
Highlights of coming tour: a lot of adventure and feel free
The worst of coming tour: to get no beer
Book or publication: Wrote so far some reports about Africa and South America, was published in German motorcycle-magazine Tourenfahrer in number 06/05.
Useful / important informations and TIPS for others: If you want to know more, contact me via Bernd Tesch
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Different experiences on different bikes since 1983. Approx. 100.000 km in West Europe included UK and Ireland. And in several continents. March/ April 2004, rode through North Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Morocco) 16.000 km with bike Aprilia Caponord. January 2006 till January 2007 was on duty in Kosovo. Rode to the complete Balkan (Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Greece) 15.000 km with Aprilia Caponord. Nov./Dec. 2007 travelled in South America the Pan-American from Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego, 18.000 km, with Benelli Amazonas.
03.06.2009 First information
15.06.2009 Last summary
19.06.2009 Asked for the best picture of him or both with bikes "on route"

Elke und Gerd Stock
1999-2010 Experienced mc-traveller Gerd has been already 10 times on TTTreffen for World-travellers-
08.2010 1st information by Gerd Stock of his planned Australian-tour for one year. Already in Australia.
13.08.2010 Send my two links to him
15.08.2010 Asked for a summary

??.??.2010 - ??.??.20?
Andre Krumpe (German, Born ??.??.19??)  and Alexandra Klier (German, Born ??.??.19??)
- Plan overland Australia - Asia - Europe.
Andre (HONDA Africa Twin) and Alexandra (HONDA Dominator) plan to ride overland back to Germany.
Purpose of your travel:
Time to explore different countries, its culture and people.
: Australia - New Zealand - Asia (South East Asia - Japan - Russia - Stan-Countries) - Europe (South East Europe - Germany).
Highlights: ??
The worst: Crash on a long, remote dirt road.
Book or publication (about your tour): none.
Useful / important informations and TIPS for others: Observe the seasons in Australia and plan your trip accordingly. Otherwise it can be very frustrating, time consuming and sometimes dangerous. If you plan to travel to Australia and New Zealand, go to NZ first because it is much cheaper to ship from NZ to AUS than the other way around.
Clean your vehicle and gear carefully. Some people have enough luck to get away with a quarantine inspector in good mud. The others will need a lot of money if their equipment is dirty.
A fuel range of 250 km is good for NZ and Australia 's East Coast. If you want to go into the Outback, consider 350 km as the absolute minimum. 500 km is good enough to ride the most tracks and save money on long distance road travel (fuel in remote outback road houses, even on main roads, is bloody expensive). If you want to be able to go on really remote tracks, you will need 700 km or more. With a range of 1000 km there will be still some tracks that you will not manage.  And consider that you need something to drink for you too. The Outback is big and dry. But if it rains, you will be better in a safe and dry place.
Don't travel between dusk and dawn. The kangaroos are most active at that time.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Libya , Island, Several trips within Europe
20.09.2010 First request to both
03.11.2010 First summary by Andre
03.11.2010 First request for update




Manuela and Robert Brand in Australia in 2012. - ri: Portraits of both. Foto out of theire website.

07.11.2011 - 22.04.2012
Manuela Brand (German, born 1965) and Robert Brand (German, born 1964)
+ Australia and New Zealand. Manuela (Triumph 650 Bonneville, build in 1973) and Robert (Harley-Davidson 1340 Custom-Shovelhead, build in 1982) rode 16.000 km (until 19.03.2012) in ca. six months in Australia and New Zealand.
Purpose: After a serious throat cancer operation we didn´t want to wait until retirement to start such a trip.
Route: Australia (Perth Australia-Nullarbor- Adelaide- Mt. Gambier- Coonabarabran- Eastcoast- Melbourne-by ship to Tasmania)- by ship from ?? (for ?? US-Dollar ?? each person plus motorcycle with shippingline ??) to New Zeland (Auckland- Cape Reinga- Invercargill- Auckland )
Best: All the people where we stayed. Everybody is unique by his own.
Worst: Coffee on the Nullarbor
Earlier experieneces:...
Useful informations after we are back:...
17.03.2012 First request for update
19.03.2012 First summary with fotos.
19.03.2012 First request for update.

17.11.2011 - 05.07.2012
Paul Griffiths
+ GB > New Zealand.
31.07.2018: Peter Fieldings send me a detailed info by a data.pdf. Have you heard about Paul Griffiths? He has ridden twice from New Zealand to the UK and once from the UK back to New Zealand in 2012. The link below will find a diary I kept for him on the latter trip. As far as I am aware, there is no record of his first trip to the UK circa 2005 (through the Americas)  but someone else was keeping a web page for him when he came back to the UK circa 2015 when he came via the USSR. I do not have a link for this at present but a search may find it  on the internet . He currently lives near Bath in the UK and though retired works at Bath University on the electric bike project which they have raced in the Isle of Man recently.  Last time I spoke to him he was restoring his BMW F650 for yet another trip possibly through Africa.

HPN-BMW R 100 GS mit längerer Mazochi-Gabel. Verstärktes Federbein von ??. Verstärkter Rahmen (wo ??). Niedriggelegte Doppelrohr Auspuff-Anlage (Vorteile:?? Nachteile: mehr Kosten, mehr Gewicht, eher steinschlagefährdet). 40 Liter Plastik-Acerbis-Tank von HPN. Träger von ??. Tesch-Travel-Taschen 7 kürzer. Michelin Desert Reifen (Optimal für Gelände soweit Schlamm und Steine und Steine mit Sand. Ungeeignet für tiefen Sand und besonders für lange Asphalt-Strecken). Ungeeignet wegen der Schwerpunktverlagerung sind die schweren Zusatzbefestigungen hinten: Öl- oder Benzin-Tank (links) und Wasservorrat (rechts). (C) Fotos Carsten P.


Ron and Lynn Felowes.
With a 1910 old FN motorcycle overland from Europe (Belgium) > Asia > Australia-

9780646931418 Fellowes Ron & Lynne No room for water melon. Solo with a FN1910 Australia-Asia-Europe. 14.600 km from Nepal to Belgium 2015.03.01 1st edition. TR. English. Australia. Asia. Europe. 15 countries. Motorcycle. Motorrad. FN 1910. 240. Colour. Softcover. € 15,00. $ 29.95 Tesch, Bernd No. Yes. 2017.07.03 + 2019.11.18

Carsten P. voller Begeisterung vor seiner Australien-Reise.

01.01.2012 - 10.03.2012
Carsten P. (German, born in 1975) – Private blog will be added when available.
- South Australia. Plan: Solo-motorcycle tour through South Australia (east coast to west coast) with BMW R 80 G/S modified by HPN. Flying with THAI AIRWAYS INTL for about 1500€ from Frankfurt to Melbourne. And back from Perth via Bangkok (2 week stopover there) to Frankfurt.
The motorcycle will be shipped both ways by INTIME Hamburg. Shipments are from Hamburg to Melbourne and back from Fremantle. The Price of approx. 3000 - 3200€ includes full logistics: e.g. transportation of my bike to Hamburg and back, shipment to Melbourne, on road shipment of my motorcycle box from Melbourne harbour to Freemantle, shipment back from Fremantle to Hamburg. Costs for customs, registration etc. is not included.
Purpose: Why Australia ? After consultations with experienced people (also, after Bernd and Patricia’s confirmation) I think that Australia combines the safety of Europe with the African adventure (which I hopefully may find in the outback). Thus, Australia seems to be a perfect place for me to do this solo trip. Especially because this trip is intended to have a preparation character for my planned trip from Cairo to Capetown. In addition, I want to find out how I manage being alone in a remote area and an unknown environment. Furthermore, I’m really interested in the OZ way of life, especially in remote areas and not at the well developed east coast.
Route: Starting in Melbourne, ending in Perth. Rough route plantings or places to visit are: Melboure – Great Ocean Road up to Adelaide – Big Desert – Broken Hill – Flinder Ranges -Wentworse – Borke – Birdsville – Big Red – Birdsville / Oodnadatta Track – Alice Springs. Than heading south west to Perth.
But what will be the best: I will let you know as soon as I am back
The worst: Up to now, nothing.
Book or publication: Undecided yet, probably a blog and/or a homepage. Further information about any process will be presented here.
22.08.2011 1st summary.
22.08.2011 1st request for update. Please send a portrait already of you as well. Later you with thwe bike on route.
02.11.2011 Fotos
04.11.2011 Request for update.

20.09.2012 - 6 or 12 months -2013
Daniel Flesser (born 26.05. 1978) + ???
- Plan overland Europe-Asia-Australia. Daniel plan to ride on a YAMAHA XTZ 750 Super Tenere from Germany (Cologne) to Australia (Darwin) and travel arround in Australia.
: take a break, meet people, have fun, see other cultures, ride motorcycle..
Route: Europe 3.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Solvenia - Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Serbia - Bulgary - Turkey ) - Asia 9 000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Bike solo by ship to Singapure or Malaysia(Kuala Lumpur). I will fly to Singapure/ Kuala Lumpur. Across Indonesia (with ferrys from island to island) and than up to Timor -  Around  Australia ca. 16 000 km.
But what will be the best:
The worst: ??
Book or publication: ??
Earlier experiences: ??
Useful tip for others: ??
11.06.2011 Daniel bought 2 TTT7short for a XTZ Super Tenere and we had 4 hours conversation. Promised to send his view soon.
21.09.2011 2nd request.
12.11.2011 3rd request for update.

2012. Dr. Daniela Dreymüller vor dem Ululuru in Australien. Der Zaun zeigt an, dass der Platz um den Ululuru ein Nationalpark ist, der den Aborigines gehört.

2012. Dr. Daniela Dreymüller "auf Piste", "in Pause" und auf dem Autodach auf Hardys Dach - auf der Mulga Park Road.

14.10.2012 - 03.11.2012 
Dr. Daniela Dreymueller (German, birthday 30.07.1982) and Georg (31) and Ulf (51)
+ Australia: Melbourne - Darwin.
Daniela Georg and Ulf crossed Australia from Melbourne via the centre of Australia to Darwin 5900 km in 16 days. Each on a Yamaha XT 600 E. It was an organised moto-tour with the experienced guide Hardy Meyer (orignal German, 53) who supported all with a 4WD.  German Stefan Bockisch is the owner of Southern Cross Australia (S.C.A.).
05.11.2012 - 08.11.2012: As well Daniela visited the Kakadu National Park and Mary River National Park with a rented Nissan Xtrail.
Purpose of my travel: Fulfill a 12-year-dream turing 30, means getting my driving lisence in 2012, cross Australia and enjoy the diversity of Australia and the tour.
Route: Melbourne - Cape Otaway (Great Ocean Road) - Halls Gap (Grampians) - Mildura (Murray River) - Tanunda (Barossa and Clare Valley) - Wilpena (Flinders Ranges) - Coward Springs (Oodnadatta Track)  - Coober Pedy (Opal City) - Kulgera - Yulara via Mulga Park Road :-) (Uluru/ Kata Tjuta) - Kings Creek (Kings Canyon) - Alice Springs (MacDonnell Ranges) - Devils Marbles - Daly Waters - Katherine (Katherine Gorge, Edith Falls) - Lichtfield National Park - Darwin. 
Personal Highlights: I wanted to have time to think about the life. - 410 km and 510 km routes from Alice Springs to Daly Waters on the Stuart Highway, only few times internet and phone access. Wallking around Uluru and feeling the peace at Devils Marbels were best for this purpose. - Life is more than work and should not be done single. Highlights in Australia: Banyeroo Valley and Brachina Gorge. Mulga Park Road. Uluru/Kata Tjuta. Devils Marbles. Crossing bush fire. I enjoyed the time with "my three men", the perfect Australien-German man Hardy, and really relaxed and came to myself.
The worst: I just saw little of Australia, so I need to get back several times - but actually not worst, it's great.
Meine Reise kostete 3250 Euro plus 160 AUS Dollar/Woche für Verpflegung. Plus Benzin fürs Motorrad: 1.40 AUS bis 2.20 AUS ( je nachdem, ob man sich in Melbourne oder in Marree befindet). Flüge zwischen 1400 und 2000 Euro für Hin- und Rückflug. Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind recht hoch - 25 AUS Dollar für einen Cesar Salad + Chicken sind keine Ausnahme. Cola 0.5l-Flasche kostet im Roadhouse 5 AUS, ist aber auch im Supermarkt nicht viel günstiger. Wo es nicht viel Angebot gibt, können halt die Preise gemacht werden. 25 AUS Eintritt in den Desert Park in Alice Springs. Hotelkosten - Cabine- Kosten: 90 bis 170 AUS. Allerdings gibt es immer Angebote im Netz, d.h. jeder Reisende sollte mal schauen, welche Cabine gerade im Angebot ist oder ob es nicht 3 Nächte für 2 Nächte etc. gibt. Powered Sites 20 AUS für 2 Personen. Mückenschutz vor Ort kaufen: Bushman kann ich empfehlen. Geldautomaten gibt es an jeder BP (ATM). 
18.11.2012 1st summary
18.11.2012 1st request for update.
20.11.2012 Last summary.


Nina Kaitinnis 1995 (1.TTT. im sidecar. Foto Helmut K.). - Re: Nina Kaitnnis beim Surfen in NZ 2014.

Nina Kaitinnis 2013 / 2014 in New Zealand

04.11.2013 - 01.11.2014
Nina Kaitinnis (German, birthday 27.03.1994)  Family Homepage:
+ New Zealand. Nina rode solo on a Suzuki GN250 through New Zealand 18.000 Km. In Asia In Neuseeland after NZ in three countries Thailand, Kambodscha, Laos ca. 4.000 Km by motorcycle.
Purpose of your travel: I just finished school and wanted to see something of the world, manage to live on my own and have some adventures on the other side of the world in the land of the Hobbit.
Route: New Zealand (until 09.2014 ca. 12.000 Km). Start in Auckland - Northland - Coromandel - Taupō - Wellington. Ferry over to Southisland. Down the Eastcoast: Picton - Christchurch - Invercargill. Up the Westcoast: Invercargill - Haast - Hokitika. - Further Plans: Head over to the Northisland, ride up the Westcoast, around the Eastcape and come up through the middle (Wellington - Taupō - Tauranga) again.
Later in Asia: Thailand, Kambodscha, Laos.
Highlights: This was my first biketrip which I made on my own. My passion for biking grew bigger. My self-confidence and knowledge grew with the time and finally: I experienced one year of pure freedom!
The worst: I didn't suffer any serious setbacks. Just a couple of blown fuses (no spare fuse, next fuelstation 30Km back) on the Westcoast. 
Book or publication: Nothing yet. 
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: 
My parents took me on my first trip in a sidecar to the TTT in 1995 when I was 1 year old. Since then I have been in 26 countries and traveled more than 100.000 Km on bikes: In a sidecar with my brother, as a pillion on the back of my mother's bike and on my own bike. 
27.03.1994 Nina was born
1995 Nina´s first visit of a Tesch-Travel-Treffen in her parents sidecar.
2013 First Request for a slide-show
15.09.2014 First summary of Nina´s mc-travels in NZ.
19.04.2015 Last summary by f.
24.-26.04.2015 Nina will give a slides-show on the 57th. TTT in Malmedy about her tour in NZ and Asia.

11.12.2013 First request for earliest travellers of the canning-stock-route.
11.12.2013 First answer.


2014 ??
Maximilian Semsch wollte wissen, was die neuen E-Bikes wirklich taugen und hat damit Australien umrundet. Im Gespräch mit dem Weltreisemagazin zieht der Abenteurer und Filmmacher Bilanz.

WRM: Auf deiner ersten Langzeitreise bist du mit einem gewöhnlichen Fahrrad von Deutschland nach Singapur geradelt. Diesmal nahmst du ein E-Bike. Bist du faul geworden?
Maximilian Semsch: Das ist ein Vorurteil, mit dem ich oft zu kämpfen habe. Ich würde nicht sagen, dass ich faul geworden bin, sondern viel eher neugierig. Nach meiner letzten Reise mit einem normalen Fahrrad, wollte ich einerseits auf das Rad als Fortbewegungsmittel nicht verzichten, aber dennoch etwas Neues ausprobieren. Das große Thema der Fahrradindustrie war in den letzten Jahren eindeutig die Elektromobilität. Jeder redet darüber, aber noch niemand hat diese Technik ernsthaft getestet. So war die Idee entstanden, die erste und bisher längste Testfahrt zu unternehmen. Ich wollte wissen, ob es überhaupt möglich ist, damit soweit zu fahren, und ob es noch etwas mit Radfahren zu tun hat, oder doch schon die Vorstufe zum Rollator ist, wie viele sagen.

Auch auf dem E-Bike kommt man ins Schwitzen. Foto: ZVG

Auch auf dem E-Bike kommt man ins Schwitzen. Foto: ZVG

Die neue Technik hättest du ja auch mit einem Elektroroller testen können. So musstest du dich ja trotzdem hauptsächlich auf deine Muskelkraft und nicht auf die Batterie verlassen.
Einer der größten Vorteile des Elektro-Rads ist, dass es eben noch immer ein Fahrrad ist. Selbst wenn der Akku leer ist komme ich noch vom Fleck. Anders sieht das bei Elektrorollern oder -autos aus. Und natürlich kommt dazu, dass ich leidenschaftlicher Fahrradfahrer bin und meine Muskelkraft gerne einsetze.

Du warst auch als Produktetester unterwegs und deine Erfahrungen werden voraussichtlich in die Produktion einfließen. Wo gibt es deiner Meinung nach noch Handlungsbedarf?
Ja, ich arbeite eng mit meinen Partnern und Sponsoren zusammen und meine Erfahrungen und Anregungen fließen tatsächlich in die Weiterentwicklung ein. Meiner Meinung nach ist die Technik insgesamt sehr ausgereift, trotzdem kann man natürlich immer etwas verbessern. Einer der größten Kritikpunkte ist vielleicht das Gewicht und die Akkureichweite, aber die Entwicklung geht auch hier rasant weiter. Alles in allem war ich positiv überrascht, wie zuverlässig die Technik heute schon ist.

Was sind die spezifischen Herausforderungen bei einer Reise mit einem E-Bike?
Die Reise ist nicht so viel anders als mit einem “normalen” Fahrrad. Die größte Schwierigkeit war sicherlich das Laden der Akkus. Aber Steckdosen waren weiter verbreitet als ich mir das im Vorfeld gedacht hatte: auf öffentlichen Toiletten, im Stadtpark oder auch an den Tankstellen.  Wenn wir freundlich gefragt haben, durften wir eigentlich immer unsere Akkus dranhängen. Außerdem hatten wir für die leeren Gebiete Australiens eine große Solarzelle dabei. Je nach Sonneneinstrahlung konnten wir so zwei bis vier Akkus pro Tag nachladen.

Die Akkus wurden aber in einem Begleitfahrzeug geladen. Wäre das Unterfangen alleine überhaupt möglich gewesen?
Jein. Es war ja keine reine Reise, sondern auch ein Filmprojekt. Alleine die Kameraausrüstung wog fast 40 Kilo. Es wäre niemals möglich gewesen, das alles auf einem Fahrrad zu transportieren. Außerdem hatten meine Frau Marion und der Kameramann Frank, die in Australien dabei waren, schon im Vorfeld gesagt, dass sie keine Lust hätten, bei über 40 Grad Fahrrad zu fahren. Wenn man allerdings die Reise ohne den filmischen Aufwand betreibt, ist es auch möglich mit einem Pedelec ohne Begleitfahrzeug zu reisen. Das haben schon mehreren Leuten gemacht.  Dann würde man sinnvollerweise die Solarzelle auf einem Anhänger anbringen und mitziehen. Möglich ist das auf jeden Fall.

Kommen wir auf Australien zu sprechen. Was hat dich am roten Kontinent gereizt?
Ganz besonders die Natur. 80 Prozent der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt auf dem fünften Kontinent gibt es in keinem anderen Land der Welt. Auch die spektakulären Landschaften haben mich sehr beeindruckt. Und die Australier sind unglaublich nett und sehr aufgeschlossen. Wir wurden immer wieder von Leuten eingeladen

.Maximilian Semsch hat eine fünfstündige Video-Doku zu seiner Reise zusammengestellt. Mehr Infos mit Klick aufs Bild.
Maximilian Semsch hat eine fünfstündige Video-Doku zu seiner Reise zusammengestellt. Mehr Infos mit Klick aufs Bild.
Text und Foto aus weltreiseforum: de

Du hast in anderen Interviews immer wieder den starken Gegenwind beklagt. Hast du falsch geplant?

Im Norden Australiens hatte ich fast 7.000 Kilometer Gegenwind, als ich von West nach Ost gefahren bin. Ich bin am Neujahrstag in Sydney gestartet und im Uhrzeigersinn um Australien geradelt. Der Grund dafür: Ich wollte im australischen Sommer nicht im Norden sein, da dann dort Regenzeit ist und das Klima unglaublich schwül-heiß wird. Wenn ich die Reise noch einmal machen würde, würde ich im April/Mai in Sydney starten und in die andere Richtung fahren.

Du hast die Videodokumentation bereits erwähnt. Was war dir beim Filmen besonders wichtig?
Ich mache keine reinen Länderdokus, das finde ich langweilig. Natürlich dreht sich die Doku um Australien, schließlich waren wir ein halbes Jahr dort. Aber mir geht es bei meinen Filmen vor allem um die Reisenden und wie sie ihre Reise erleben. Mit all den Höhen und Tiefen, den Konflikten, der Begeisterung aber auch dem Frust. Wenn der Zuschauer das Gefühl hat, die gesamte Reise auf meinem Gepäckträger mitgefahren zu sein, dann habe ich mein Ziel erreicht. Ursprünglich wollte ich einen 90-Minuten Film über die Reise machen. Wir hatten aber so viel gutes Material und es ist so viel passiert, dass nun eine Serie mit neun Teile à 30 Minuten entstanden ist. Gesamtlaufzeit mit Bonusmaterial ist knapp 5 Stunden.


04.2014 + 1,5 Jahre
Stefan Fay and Fou
Germany-Australia. Stefan road with "Fou" on two bikes. Sttefan followed alone his way overland from Malysia via Indonesia to Australia.
Route: D- Russland- Zentralasien (Kirgstan)- Iran- Pakistan- INdien- Malaysia- Indonesien- Ost-Timor- Australien (an mit € 140,00).
Highlights: Kirgestan. Manali Ley Highway. Gibb River Road (Australia).
The worst: ?
The best: ?
Useful Tips for others: ?
Publication: Book Good by Lehmann. Auf der Suche nach einem guten Leben. 280 S. Karten-Skizzen. Keine Fotos. 280 S,ISBN 978-3-9819292-0-1.
28.01.2017 First Info by Stefan. Asked for his overview like Müller.
Send me an overview like: Der Ultimative Alukoffer-Test. Aber ich konnte das nicht sehen.
28.12.2017 Signiertes Beleg-Exemplar bekommen. Erneuet Bitte, den Block oben zu vervollständigen und die besten max drei Fotos für diesen Block zu schicken. Plus Gesamt-Route.

01.08.2014 - heute
Tino Werner (German. * 21.06.1972).
+ Europe- Asia- NewZaeland- Asia- Europe. Tino rode > 60.000 km solo from Germany to New Zeeland with Honda cbf 500!
Purpose of your travel:  Make my own expierence. Meet other people. I want to know how to feel free!
Route: Europe  (Germany - Chech Republick- Poland - Slowakia - Hungaria - Rumania - Serbia - Bulgaria - Mazedonia - Greek - Turkey) - Asia (Georgia - Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal - Myanmar - Thailand - Cambodia - Laos - Malaysia)
Highlights: Ride the Karakorum Highway untill to the border between Pakistan and China. See the Dalai Lama in India. Trakking Tour with 3 Italian to the Annapurna Basecamp in Nedpal. Crossing Myanmar.
The worst: I got a big stomach problem in Pakistan but could not have a break because the visa was running out. Vegetarian for the next 4 months!
Book or publication : Only my Blog.
Useful / important informations and TIPS for others: You dont need a big high end Enduro with the most expensiv "high tech equipment"! If you want to reach NZ you can do it with a small bike and very simple equipment. The most difficuld think at a trip like this is the start! If you are on the way everything is a part of the adventure. But at first you have to start and take your time! It's not nice to make 5 countrys in 10 days, you need time to meet inhabitants and to learn something about other cultures.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: This is really my first tour!
24.02.2016 First request from BT.
25.04.2016 First summary from Tino-
06.07.2016 First summary on this site and next request for update.


9789402133936 Waterbeemd Nicole van de Op de fiets naar Istanbul. Mit partner. Brave New Books. Netherlands. 2015. 1st edition. TR = RB. Woman. Dutch. Niederländisch. Europa. Europe. Netherlands. Germany. Turkey. Bicycle. Fahrrad. 101.

01.10.2015 - 09.01.2016
Tracey Curtis-Taylor (GB, born 1962)
+ GB - Australia by air. Die britische Abenteurerin ist drei Monate solo im offenen Cockpit eines Doppeldecker-Flugzeuges von 1942 unterwegs. Von England (Farnborough) bis Australia (Sydney) ist sie 21.000 km mit 50 Tankstops unterwegs. - Sie folgte  folgte dem historischen Flug der britischen Flugpionierin Amy Johnson von England nach Australien von 1930.
Route: Europe (GB- Osteuropa)- Asia (Türkei, Jordanien, Saudi-Arabien, Pakistan, Indien, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia und Indonesien) - Australia..

Ulman, Meg & Jones, Patrick - The Art of Free Travel: A frugal family adventure
A family of five ride two tandems from Daylesford, Victoria to Cape York and back.
2015. ISBN 13: 9781742234434

Australia - Europa.
Motorcycle FN 4 Zylinder from 1912. Australia. No room for water melon. Engländer.

02.2015 Booklet published.
Route: Countries Visited: Australia- Austria- Belgium- Bulgaria- Czech Republic- England- France- Germany- Hungary- India- Iran- Nepal- Pakistan- Romania- Slovakia- *Turkey.


1970 Start of search of Australia-Motorcycle-Travellers.
1992-1994 More intensive search because of my book "Motorrad Abenteuer" in work by phone, fax and personal visits.
1995 - 1997 First tries to find and contact Australia-Motorcycle-Travellers by email.
02.1998 Start of my website. Not knowing what will come out of it in future. A part of this information you found already under > > German or Engl. version > News
28.05.2000: Start of this collection first time in internet under > > German or Engl. version > continents > Australia by motorcycle.
01.08.2001 Visitor 50.000
29.10.2001: 62 KBytes
13.01.2003: 95 KB
24.03.2004 122 KB. Ca. visitor 94.000
28.03.2005 159 KB. Ca. visitor 109.00
01.04.2011 523 KB. Next overwork
18.11.2012 Next overwork with frames.
2013 Overworked with frames and some new infos.
2015-2016 Overworked with frames and some new infos. 2016-0630 Overworked in old form



Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller